Friday, October 20, 2006

Enlightenment is having certain knowledge about the future?

It seems my logical brain gets so fearful about wanting to have some control and security for the future, yet all the major events in my life just happened without my control. So I guess I must learn more to ‘trust and go with the flow’ I have no real idea what the world/universe will bring.

But I can take the Buddhist view and continually sow virtuous thoughts and deeds, in the present moment, in the certain knowledge that this will create a future based on what we think and do today.

Enlightenment is feeling a 'loving wisdom'

I like the feeling of a ‘loving wisdom’ present everywhere in everyone. It suggests that the best knowledge of what to do, combined with a love for ‘the best interests of the person’ is developing and looking after us all. It’s a sort of ‘whatever I do, this has to be absolutely right’. Its relaxing and it transcends just wisdom and just love

It reflects the protection and beauty of Oneness through the Allness.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Enlightenment is feeling the whole Universe

Our brains are simply not capable of understanding the whole of the Universe. They are not designed to 'think'and be that way. Given the experience and the knowledge, they can certainly think 'globally'.

But our Minds can 'feel' the whole of the Universe through Love. Love is present here and now, and everywhere. Love is the uniting force
of the Universe - holding everything together!

Think globally - feel Universally.
Smile :-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Enlightenment is waking up earlier!

The Ancient Sages tell us to wake up to 'reality as it truly is'.

For some, it may be spontaneous, for others gradual.

But once you are awake, you are no longer sleeping.

Imagine that when you are awake, from normal sleeping that is, that
this is really still only a higher level of sleeping, and that you still need to awaken from that!

Brightness, clarity, and an overriding and unconditional love and wisdom come to mind!

I am told, 'keep making the effort until it is effortless'.

Maybe I need to set the alarm clock even earlier?