Sunday, March 11, 2012

Coming home to Cambridge

Yesterday, I came back home to many parts of Cambridge that were part of me just 10 years ago.

I started the day, from 9.00 - 11.00 watching my grandson Connor play football at Milton Community Centre, together with his dad and mum.

St Johns Innovation Centre

My first brief stop was at St Johns Innovation Centre. Very nice, but I need to move on?

Cambridge Common

I then travelled in to Cambridge City Centr and parked the car at Grafton Centre.
I then walked through the centre and across the park/common, with its pretty orderly victorian type houses, to Millers Music shop in town. I had to fight through the swarms of people to get there.So many different types of people. Busker musicians doing their thing, and, of course , bicycles.


For a while, it was bliss. So many piano's, electric baby grands, a guy of my age playing on a rock guitar, acoustic guitars, a cubase recording studio setup, drums, electronic drums, all types of sheet music etc etc. I just wanted to play music again everyday. I just wanted to get my baby grand piano and guitars back from France and install them in one of the houses on the common.

Waterstones Book Shop

A temple, as always. I had to buy 'Physics of the Future (simply great so far) and Business Strategy.

Kings College

A walk across the market square took me to Kings College, and the shops selling the wares of the colleges. Such a beautiful courtyard at Kings. So many japanese.


I am still amazed and very delighted to see the inner space meditation centre at 6 Kings Parade. I really must go to a talk and/or meditation as I remember the vivid imagining I had, many years ago, about a meditation/spiritual place with a Buddha on the third floor, right opposite the Kings College.

Stopped in the market square for a jacket potato and beans. Watched a juggler with knives.

Beautiful Colleges

I stopped and enjoyed Christs College in the city centre. Collected brochures for a possible summer workshop.

Cambridge Buddhism

Back to the Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Newmarket Road for a quick look. Nice.


Across from Newmarket Road to the Merceded dealer by the airport. Lovely cars. £349 a month leases a new one.

Flying again

Over to Cambridge Aero Club. A nice and friendly reception. Free coffee and a gaze at airplanes again. I must do an hour in a Cessna 172 again soon. Inspired me to get back on the flight simulator.

Newmarket paddocks

Back to the town of Newmarket and its beautiful paddocks and horses. A wonderful fixture from the past.

A haircut by the clocktower, with a first - burning my ear hairs! Nice coffee and staff.

An hour in Rutland Arms Hotel working on a proposal to Singapore.

An hour in the White Hart, reading the Future of Physics together with a good salmon dish and lager shandy.

Back to Lidgate village and a walk with the dogs around the duck pond. Half a bottle of wine. 'Take me out' on TV. Bed by 10.15 (on a saturday too)

I just had to record this. This is real wealth.


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Mission and Purpose


My mission must be to turn my vision into reality? 

I woke up with a clear and strong thought this morning:

‘Regardless of outer appearances today, you have a mission to fulfil’

I needed this because the outer appearances this week are making my wife and I very tense indeed. Faith is the cornerstone of our beliefs for the future but I never realised, as much before, the great strength also of ‘Mission’, as today.

It certainly adds great strength because it can give you, or remind you, of the reason you are going through difficulties.

And it reminds you that there is something even greater than difficulties and it gives us a strong purpose.

So I feel much stronger for being reminded of my mission, which is a good one, and makes my life full of meaning and purpose.

So we must remind ourselves that we need a clear vision, which will bring good to as many as we can, and our mission and purpose is to turn that vision into a reality in the here and now.

The photograph today is one I took from my hotel room in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last year. It took a great vision and strong mission and purpose to turn the Petronis Towers into reality.

Ron Young 

Tuesday, February 01, 2011




When we fly, we need faith.

My meditation today clarified for me a confusion I have been having with the word ‘Faith’.

I have assumed, wrongly, that having faith is just about having a strong belief.

In my case, I need logical argument and reason as well. As a Yoga student, 30 years ago, I realised I am a ‘Jnani Yogi’. That is, one who pursues the path of knowledge to the Truth. (Jnana is knowledge)

Blind faith, with absolute belief, has its advantages. It is immediate and easier. But what if you have blind faith in the wrong thing? That can be dangerous.

Faith based on unconditional love for God and humanity, is very admirable indeed. These are ‘Bhakti Yogis’ and normally fill their lives with love, compassion and great service for others, and for the God they worship. This is the emotional path to Truth.

So I always associated faith with blind belief and/or belief based on love and devotion.

I considered ‘belief’ to be right or wrong and I sought absolute certainty.

I greatly admire Carl Jung’s statement, when asked if he believed in God he said, “I do not need to believe, I know”.

Now I realise, as I have become far more certain about important matters in my life, that my certainty, my knowing, is the basis of my Faith.

I, also, have a growing faith, not based on believing, but based on knowing.

As a pilot, for many years, I learned about the laws of aerodynamics, engine safety, pilot procedures, and gained a growing and more certain knowledge and faith in flying. (I learned to fly because of a strong fear of flying and a need to overcome it to live a normal business life). I now live on Jumbo jets and Airbus 380’s flying the world and even, at times, ‘commuting’ from Europe all over Asia

I now have a better understanding, from a certain knowing perspective of spiritual truths:

“According to your faith, ye shall have”

Ron Young

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The inner battle


The right and left hemisphere of our brain are diametrically opposite to one another in every way. So we have a choice. They can work together or they can be in conflict.

For many, the right and left hemispheres are in conflict. There is an inner battle going on. This is also the story of the Bhagavad Gita – The inner battle told as a story on the external battlefield with warriors.

Until the inner right and left battle stops, we cannot gain inner peace.

As long as there is inner battle, there will be outer world battles.

Until we transcend the duality of the left and right hemispheres, to One unified brain, we will have problems.

There are no problems at all in ‘One’ whole humanity, only in  illusions of separate individuals.

Inner Oneness, inner peace, will naturally bring outer World Peace.

Ron Young

Simplicity is Wisdom



Such clarity this morning, on awakening. At the time, it seems so powerful and true. It makes me relaxed and content.

Yet, if I leave the thoughts, they then seem obvious and simple, as I awake, and so I don’t do anything with these thoughts.

Yet, maybe, the simplicity is wisdom!

So I have decided to capture these thoughts in this blog.

‘This is a self learning Universe’

‘This is a self organizing Universe’

‘You make the impersonal personal through your thoughts. And as you are a part of the whole, the Universe is personal and impersonal’.

‘Beneath matter is energy. Beneath energy is information. We contribute our thoughts and experiences to that information’.


January 2011 and back to blogging


I realise, after a frantic honeymoon with Twitter, that although I find it very useful indeed, it does not replace my need to blog spontaneously

and creatively.

So, with the ease of use of Windows Live Writer, I am going back to all my blogs, with pictures. More as a life stream.

Today, I will try photographing on the hour, from sun rise, and see the position of the sun overhead Maneque, SW France, as a simple experience and experiment in Mindfulness.

The above pictures are of Maneque today.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Perfect reality can start with OM

Today in meditation

If I am trying to develop and express the ideal of perfection in my daily life, a good start could be to practice and express the sound OM (AUM) as best I can, as near to perfection as I can?

Thats how the Universe started, insn't it?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Personal or Impersonal God?

I have been grappling with the different beliefs and perspectives concerning a personal or impersonal God, God within and God without.

I do not need to fully state the arguments here, as they are quite well known for those who believe in a God, but, in essence, many believe that God is personal, and will be aware and know them personally, and guide and care for them.

The opponents to this make the claim that if God were personal, why does God allow mass destruction and terrible tragedies to seemingly innocent and God loving/fearing people.

Alternatively, many believe that God is an overall impersonal universal energy that exists for us to connect to, understand and work with/through, hopefully in harmony to Gods universal laws.

I like and certainly support the latter belief, at least, and of course, I would gain great comfort from the former belief, so I try to test my thinking and experiences on both.

So I start off with the notion of one universal energy, present everywhere, which is creative and intelligent,knowing all, or if you prefer, you may chose the words omnipotent and omniscient.

This one universal creative intelligence is part, if not the heart, of every atom. So, not only is it in the spaces, so to speak, of the universe, but it is within every living cell, and atomic/molecular structure as well, at least. So this creative intelligence is in every form of matter and life that we know, including, of course, ourselves.

So, in simple terms, we are all part of, and our essence is made from, God stuff.
Maybe we are divinity within, but have no awareness of this. Indeed, many believe we are sinners, even 'worms of the earth' and we need to repent our sins. Yet, I simply love the Hindu greeting 'nameste' "I salute the divinity in you".

We have apparent freedom of thought and, therefore, choice of action and behaviour.

We can choose to believe that God is without and that we are needing to win Gods favour. In this case, I believe we think we are separate to God and, probably, that we are separate beings on this planet.We have no awareness of, or a sense of God connecting within.

And we can choose to believe that God is within and that we are connected and, a part of, God and our awareness turns inward and towards feeling, thinking and acting according to Gods inner laws.

I certainly think and feel God within. It's my enlightenment if you will. I feel this everyday and, wherever I am on this planet, whenever. I feel the same inner presence. Because I believe this for me, I also believe and see this in everyone. So I get a sense of God within everywhere.I also, therefore, get the sense that we are all connected as One, and that One is God. Some strive for this Oneness in different ways, in relationships, in striving for perfection whatever.

But evil, to me, is simply a major error in not 'knowing and feeling' this.
We are then not acting according to Gods laws but to our own illusions. This is true 'spiritual ignorance'.From this, develops greed, scarcity, fear and wrong actions and behaviours (some even horrific).

And error and/or tragic accident is simply not acting according to universal laws, perhaps in pure innocence, perhaps in unfortunate error, and we need to understand these universal truths.

So I think and feel that:

If we know an inner God, present in all, that is simply great
If we know an inner God, present in all, and as One, and if we act in harmony with this inner God and the good of all, that is perfect.

In this perfection, I believe that God can then be considered within and without, personal and impersonal.

Does this help? Does this confuse more? What do you say?

Ron Young

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

percieved nothing - known everything

After contemplating and meditating, I felt compelled to write

'I have put you in this position of perceived nothing,
so that you will certainly learn, know and experience
that you are, in reality, everything'

Thats interesting

Ron Young