Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Planetary Knowledge - enlightened knowledge working

I am really pleased with the title of my new book 'Planetary Knowledge - enlightened knowledge working'.

Although it is born out of my knowledge management consulting blogs and websites, and talks about the evolution of humanity to one global inter-connected complex of collaborative knowledge workers, it also heavily overlaps, and blends naturally, with my spiritual passion and interests around global oneness.

At last, the more focused logical, scientific, and technological dimension is fusing with the more complex and wholistic dimension, to produce a 'higher ethic - higher evolution' global species.

Let's make sure everyone gets on board with this new dimension. Let's not produce have's and have nots. Let's produce 'All in One and One in All'.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

It's not finding 'my truth' but finding 'the Truth'

We are told how important it is to find our truth and live it !

Maybe, but what if our truth is wrong, mis-aligned, or even bad or dangerous for others?

We need to remind ourselves that we must first find 'the Truth', the Reality for all, and then let 'the Truth' manifest through us as our expression of 'the Truth', not the other way around.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Enlightenment is just One blog

I write three daily blogs at the moment, around three key areas
of my life:

  • Spiritual development, Love, Intimacy and Wisdom
  • Mental development, Work and Professional development
  • Physical development, Health and Well Being

Sometimes I get confused about which blog to write, as they increasingly become inter-related.

I also think that I keep them seperated, for fear of the 'whole' being incorrectly being understood?

It was the Danish philosopher, Soren Kirkergaard, who said 'If you label me you destroy me'.

What I am saying (to myself also, as I write this) is that I will know when I have arrived, when I simply write one blog, openly, happily and with no fear but pride of who I am.

Sad? But perhaps I am, at least, on the way :-)

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Lightning connections

As well as this blog, I keep a sort of daily diary blog to monitor my progress in changing my lifestyle. It contains, in the main, diet and exercise performance.

A day ago, I simply included that I was reading about the 'semantic web'.

The next day I got a visitor to the blog from Germany who was really
researching the semantic web! So quick and just two words only on this subject!

Lightning connections by total surprise from the most unexpected places. Enjoy and beware!

So, I suppose that 'semantic web' will be picked up again in this blog, even though it is about spiritual insights, as well as also being picked up in my health blog, and as well as being picked up in my blog about knowledge management and the semantic web!

I have learned that 'sem' is Tibetan for 'the Mind'. So maybe this is showing that the semantic web is a prototype to help us understand how the Global Mind may work?


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Enlightenment is tough

We are told that we must find our 'dharma', our meaning and our purpose.

Only then will we be 'in the flow'. Only then will the universe naturally support us.

Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and then all else will be added!

So why is it that when we think we have found our dharma, our meaning and our purpose, our kingdom of heaven, that after a few days of euphoria, we feel so 'out of the flow'.

Or is it just me?

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

You already are One and All

I simply love the thought that by relaxing, gently quietening the mind and attaining a state of meditative peace, that you can

'experience the underlying unity of creation'

Such peace comes from this simple mastering of the mind!

Realise that you do not have to strive to become One with your God,

'you already are One'

It's already there. It always was.

If you are in Peace - you are 'naturally' in an enlightened and fully realised state.

'You already are One and All'.

Just remove those limiting beliefs - they are only untrue thoughts - thats all.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sharing insights makes me feel good

When I put stuff out on the web, whether it's rubbish or great,
I feel good. It's a new and strange feeling. It's a sort of 'complete' feeling.

Without analysing it too much, it feels like a step in the right direction
towards a global communion. It's certainly unblocking!

Wow. I read this back and it seems over the top! But I still feel good
writing about it.

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Monday, January 08, 2007

A year of Enlightenment is enough....

During 2006, I started each blog post with the words 'Enlightenment is....'

The end result is an ebook on the website, which talks about different perspectives and insights on enlightenment. Cool...

This year, I intend to just write from the heart, without any structure, and see what emerges as I go.

Why? well I just want to spend a year speaking my Truth, spontaneously, and see where it takes me.

Happy new year and more peace to all :-)

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