Sunday, August 27, 2006

Enlightenment and thoughtlessness

There is a Tibetan saying that 'thoughts and concepts are delusions, awareness is wisdom'.

Wise thoughtlessness and totally experiencing the now?

Inherent Wisdom beyong learning?

I like the story of the father who noticed that his young son loved to sit in the garden and watch the birds. One day, his father decided to teach his young son everything about the birds that visited the garden. Their names, where they came from, what they would eat, when - the whole who, how, what, why, when of knowledge.

When the birds visited, the little boy no longer seemed to experience loving them in the same way, as he was too preoccupied with thinking and knowing.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Enlightenment is knowing there is rebirth but no one is born

The Ancient Sages talked about rebirth in every moment. In every moment we choose again to create, to remain the same, or to destroy. In other words, we continually have positive, neutral or negative thoughts, which become positive, neutral or negative realities.

Each moment is unique. The secret is to stay totally aware in the moment. To maintain and develop existing and new positive thoughts, and to eliminate and destroy existing and new negative harmful thoughts.

It is easy to explain to a 5 year old, but can an 80 year old practice?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Enlightenment is knowing you forget

No matter how many times I realise a Truth and/or gain a deep spiritual insight, I find that after a relatively short while that I have forgotten this.

It seems that I have to have this realization/insight several times before it starts to become a part of me.

Not so long ago, I put down in writing into my PC a series of short inspirations that I have had. They were very powerful at the time of writing. Shortly afterwards, I transferred this onto my PDA/mobile phone also. Occassionaly, I read from my PC or PDA the inspirations.

The other day I sat in front of my PC and had my PDA beside it. It occured to me that both the PC and the PDA have perfect recall of these inspirations, yet I have to read again what I originally wrote - to remember!

Weird??? At least I can get inspired, with the help of technology to remember - I don't think the PC opr PDA can get inspired yet?

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