Thursday, June 28, 2007

Get drunk on the highest Spirit of all!

This morning I was walking the dogs up to the foothills of the Pyrenees, from our home in SW France, and wishing that I had not drunk so much wine the night before.

It's not a big problem, but I must confess that, being surrounded by miles of vineyards, good wine is very popular here, very cheap and very tempting.

Then I started to think more deeply about why I drink wine so often. In moderation, it is fine, but if too much is drunk, too often, it can certainly damage your health. I came to the conclusion that it is satisfying a real subconscious need. It is not so much the alcohol as the social setting, in a bar, at a party, at dinner parties with friends etc.

I yearn for connectivity with others. I am a social animal. I love the feeling of being with friends and I especially love any connectivity that gives a sense of oneness.

I then remembered that when I was working in Cambridge UK, I would go to the Cambridge Buddhist Centre for several evenings a week. There we never touched a single drop of alcohol. In fact we loved drinking herb teas together. It is a popular centre and it normally had large groups of very interesting and like minded people. Although I am open to all and every, or no religion, I found the people who visited the Centre had the same values as I - non-violence, an interest in the key questions of life, a genuine caring, compassion and even unconditional love for others. They seemed so much more peaceful than the normal group I would find in a bar.

So I realised that if I wanted to reduce alcohol, I needed to find something that was even better at putting me into groups where I felt an equal or even greater oneness. Ideally, something that created an even greater oneness than my favourite bar. The Buddhist Centre was one such place.

Now I realise that I can get absolutely drunk, every night of the week, on the highest Spirit of all! A spiritual centre has taken on a new meaning for me now.

So I guess it has taken me a lot longer than most people to realise a fundamental timeless Truth, that like minded spiritual groups naturally create the greatest sense of Oneness possible. But let's not forget that any community creating activity, especially in the evening, a cafe, a yoga and meditation class, evening talks about anything, also serve the greater purpose of Oneness.

If I can't find a like minded spiritual group, here in rural SW France, I will simply have to create one myself!

Ron Young

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Making Millions on the Web

I was sitting in a railway station, on my way to London, a couple of days ago, and contemplating a question I had read on the web a few days earlier.

‘Ask yourself what the meaning and purpose of your life is and write down the answers on a piece of paper. Let the answers keep coming until you have one that makes you cry! Then you have found it’. So I took a pen and paper and started to write.

I was so excited with the very first answer that came out. ‘To take the ancient wisdom from around the world and transform it into modern wisdom stories, especially for children’ It didn’t make me cry but it made me feel I had a great meaning and purpose.

Later, on the train back from London to Stansted Airport, I added some more to my list.

Strangely, out came ‘To make millions on the Web’.

To put it mildly, it sounded very cheesy to me. But there was something that made me feel this was great. I felt that I was on to something.

Then I realised. It could mean:

‘To make millions of people on the web more happy, more healthy, more wealthy, more peaceful, more knowledgeable, more enlightened’ as so on … other words, giving millions of people extraordinary value through the web.

What a great mission statement! Imagine using the web to provide extraordinary value to millions. What a great heroic mission, if you dare?

And, of course, if it really did give millions of people such extraordinary value, then it would probably make millions of pounds / dollars, euros or whatever. I thought, what a great idea for a Foundation! Focus on millions of people. Invite and explore any initiative that has the potential to provide extraordinary value to millions of people through the web.

So, yesterday, I registered as step 1.

Now, as step 2, I cannot stop myself thinking about ways to use the web to make millions of people happier, healthier, wealthier, more at peace, more knowledgeable and, hopefully, even more enlightened about the world we all live in, and how to make the world a better place for us all.

Let’s see where this all goes.

Ron Young

More at:

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Spirituality and Business Ethics

The tangible business world

Although I started my first business at the age of 25 years, and have been in business on my own for the next 35 years, I have always found it to be a great struggle between my spiritual values and the world of business. I have often felt odd and out of place.

The business world has its own rules, economy and ethics. Historically, it is based on a culture (values and beliefs) of ‘fear’. Therefore, it thrives on scarcity, competitiveness and secrecy. In this world, only the strongest survive. It is well known to be a ‘dog eats dog’ world for many. This seems to be the law of the ‘tangible’ world of things.

I have never liked this at all, and many people have said that I am too honest, too sincere and too open to be a good businessman.

The intangible business world

But my world is primarily based on ‘intangibles’. Knowledge and brain power is what I sell. And, instead of being fear based, I have always promoted open knowledge sharing based on ‘trust’. My world is based more on a culture of selfless service and, ultimately, I believe it to be ‘love’ based, or at least having a high positive regard and respect for everyone. In this world of knowledge and intangibles, we promote abundance not scarcity, collaboration and not competition, non-violence, coaching compassion and support and not violent dog eats dog. It’s an ethic more akin to Christ like or Buddha like values. I believe it to be cherishing spiritual values above material gain.

But because I prefer to see the good in all, the divinity in all, and the true reality of what we are, I tend to openly trust and help wherever and whenever I can. But often, as a result, when I meet competitive business warriors, I simply seem to get eaten alive.

So what do I do? Do I give up the business world? Do I stand firm and try to change the culture? Phew, that’s a huge task!

But maybe my time has come?

The ‘intangible’ global knowledge economy is now here! It’s huge! It’s likely to be one of the major business tides for the 21st century. It’s business evolution at its best.

And the only way the knowledge economy will thrive is when the culture produces natural knowledge sharing. This has to be based on trust, open communications, collaboration, partnerships and learning networks.

The knowledge economy will trade knowledge on the web for money on the web. Electronic bits of knowledge will be pumped around the planet on the web and traded for electronic bits of money in return. In many respects, this will provide enormous potential for the development of many knowledge workers around the world. For many, for many millions of people, if not billions, it will provide them with the perfect business and personal growth opportunities.

A new business ethics is emerging. A business ethics that is based on trust and love.

Perhaps, those that choose to stay in the old world of business ethics, based on fear, will find it difficult to trade and survive in the new intangible knowledge economy? Perhaps there will be a natural evolution to a higher order of business ethics?

Maybe my time has come to be a much better businessman after all?

The knowledge economy is like any economy. It’s about making knowledge and selling knowledge. But it will be interesting to see if we can develop and demonstrate a global business ethics based on trust and not fear.

I sincerely hope so, and I really look forward to the prospect.

Ron Young

More at:

The spiritual turning point to Enlightenment

The turning point and the enlightened transformation comes when you are ready and prepared to accept that there is no real choice in reality. Rather, it is just a matter of time, initially choosing, experiencing and learning, in a state of apparent free will, until we realise that there can be no choice. The Truth is the Truth. Reality is Reality. I am as I was created, and I am not as I believed and made myself to be.

But before we reach that stage, we believe that we have a choice, and, as a result, what then comes from us is a reflection of what we have chosen to believe and accept. So, if we choose to believe in a separated self with our own ego, then that is what manifests itself externally.

Eventually, there comes a time when we realise, and accept, that there is in reality a Higher Self, a Creative Intelligence, a Loving Wisdom from within, as our only source, and, in reality, we are all connected to, and part of that One. We are not separated beings, as we thought and believed. The only true reality is One Being connected through selfless Love.

When we realise this state, we also realise that, in Truth, we are a channel to express the Higher Self, uniquely.

This is magnificent diversity expressed within Unity.

We have no choice but to express and radiate the Truth in a totally selfless way. Unlike the ego that suppresses, based on fear, we realise that this Higher Self cannot be blocked, suppressed or hidden.

This is our spiritual heritage. This is the spiritual fruit that we must bear to the world. This is the spiritual fruit that we must allow to be given.

This is the inner song that we all must sing.

Enlightenment is when we transform from an ego centred perspective of saying ‘I can’t say this’, to a selfless perspective saying ‘I must say this. I cannot do anything other than express this as best I can. It’s not me that thinks these thoughts. They are given, not learned. It’s my meaning and purpose to express them. It’s my dharma.’

This is my true work. Nothing is more meaningful than this. Fulfillment.

Ron Young

More at:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In Love with Wisdom ebook

If you are interested, you may read my latest ebook
'In Love with Wisdom' as it is being written, through
this blog, and on my website

I would welcome any feedback you can give!


In Love with Wisdom

by Ron Young

This book will simply rock the world!

It’s for the entire planet to read. All of the 6.5 billion people alive have a very special reason to read it.

It is the year 2070. The entire planet has become spiritually enlightened by the most extraordinary event ever in the history of humanity.

Absolute perfection and abundance prevails everywhere.

Perfect global ethics, with everybody totally caring, with selfless service, for everybody else.

Heaven has arrived on Earth. There are absolutely no problems whatsoever.

At least, that’s what everybody thought for a while!

In 2050 all books and electronic writings became totally unnecessary and disappeared completely. Everybody communicated and shared knowledge perfectly through the one global Mind.

Suddenly, in all its apparent perfection, people realised an evolutionary flaw. Nobody could remember how they became enlightened as a total planet.

Nobody knew how it was done.

The world started to panic and parents increasingly feared for their children. If humans fell back into the old separated mind states, with individual ego’s again, they might take thousands and thousands of years to learn how to become one completely enlightened planet again.

Joel and Nirmala, two young school children took on the task to save the planet.

They, like all children of 2070, were all naturally creative genius’s.

They soon discovered that there was one human being still alive, an astronaut of the 1990’s at the age of 127 years, who lived in an old monastery in the mountains of the French Pyrenees.

He had some ancient recollection and, together with the children, they managed to recreate the 8000 year evolutionary plan that revealed each of the 8 secret phases to enlightenment for everyone.

They did this through breaking through the mysteries and revealing the ancient timeless principles.

They learned together, and shared with all the world, the workings of the secret philosophy that they all called ‘in love with wisdom’.

They saved the planet forever!


Chapter 1 The Pyrenees and the 8 Timeless Principles

Chapter 2 Principle 1 Wisdom revealed to the planet

Chapter 3 Principle 2 Meditation as the natural state

Chapter 4 Principle 3 Ethics to heal humanity

Chapter 5 Principle 4 Trust as the basis for all

Chapter 6 Principle 5 Communication & Collaboration

Chapter 7 Principle 6 Learning together

Chapter 8 Principle 7 Sharing Knowledge globally

Chapter 9 Principle 8 Enjoying Enlightened Oneness

Chapter 10 Beyond the Timeless Principles

More coming very soon, please check out the daily / weekly updates

Ron Young

June 13th 2007, at the French Pyrenees

The ebook may be viewed at:

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

The monk who sold his Ferrari

I have just finished my third read of Robin Sharma'

great book, The monk who sold his Ferrari.

Each time I read it, I become inspired and learn more.

I particulary like to read, and strive hard to practice
the '10 Rituals of Radiant Living':

solitude, physicality, live nourishment,
abundant knowledge, personal reflection, early
awakening, music, spoken word and congruent

If you haven't read the book yet - you must.

I highly recommend it.

Ron Young

More at:

Oneness and selfless service

We are often reminded that the most noble and the

most worthy purpose is to be of selfless service to others
in need.

It occured to me this morning that selfless service is really

another way of understanding Oneness.

When we perform truly selfless acts, we are really losing

our ego and embracing others as us. Therefore,

selfless service, to me, is naturally acting in the state

of Oneness.

But I also realised that selfless service is, really another

way of understanding Love.

Selfless service to another individual, or for the good

of all humanity, is naturally loving others.

So, if our reality is Oneness, we know that this is

according to the Law of Love, which is demonstrated

by selfless service?

Love - Oneness - Selfless service

More at:

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Thoughts as the true cause of the effect

Most of us are familiar with the concept of cause and effect.
But it is normally explained as a material thing, i.e. if I
sow seeds, good and bad, I will reap what I sow.

I learned that the true cause is the thought behind the

If I sow 'thought seeds', good and bad, I will reap the
effects, as both thoughts and physical manifestations.

Thoughts are creative things and bundles of energy.
The more thoughts we have of the same type, positive
and negative, the larger the bundles of energy that
they will create, and become our dominating thought

Beliefs are dominating thought patterns.

We become what we believe we are, and our challenge,
therefore, is to seek and know the Truth. To know
reality, as it really is, not necessarily as we believe.

So I strive to sow virtuous thoughts and feelings, in the
certain knowledge that it will reap virtuous actions?

Ron Young

More at:

Friday, June 01, 2007

Christopher and the Knowledger - a spiritual journey to Enlightenment

I am glad to announce the launch of my downloadable
ebook Christopher and the Knowledger.

This is the story of a man who has finally discovered
the eternal Truths of the Universe, and the special
purpose and meaning for human beings on Earth.

But he does not realise nor understand the meaning
behind the Truths, nor does he know how he discovered

He meets the Knowledger, who reminds him of the
Universal Truths he has learned, and teaches him
how anybody can learn to harness the power of the
Universe, as part of the perfect plan for all humankind.

He then becomes a Knowledger himself, and is then
able to teach others the meaning and purpose of life.

Chapter 1. So you want to know the purpose of the

Chapter 2. There are as many paths to Universal
Truth as there are people

Chapter 3. All the Universal Truths can be learned
from around the world or from where you are now

Chapter 4. You must learn the Universal value of
Knowledge and the part that you play for the Knowledger

Chapter 5. You must understand the structure and
meaning of Universal Spirituality

Chapter 6. The key to Universal Knowledge is Peace
and there is only one way to obtain it

Chapter 7. Your purpose is to be One and All

Link to the ebook at:

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