Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oneness and Sacred Femininity

As a Westerner, having been brought up in the UK as a Church of England Christian, I believe that one of my fundamental problems, and limiting beliefs, has been the exclusion of the sacred femininity in my religious beliefs since childhood.

I was simply taught throughout, that God is a man, and to this day, I talk to God as a man.

God is our Father who art in heaven.

The Catholic Religion has the Holy Mary to worship with the virgin birth, on the one hand, but it also has Mary Magdalene the prostitute, on the other.

I am convinced that some organised religions decided to remove the female component from the fountainhead of God for political power reasons. I was told that the original Lords Prayer, translated from the Aramaic language at the time of Christ, was:

Our Father who art in Heaven
Our Mother who art on Earth……

Whatever happened to the second line?

The Father / Mother principle, the Yin and Yang, the Shakti / Shiva, the God and Goddess of Love and Wisdom, make so much more balanced and complete sense to me. Intuitively, it has to be right!

But, as I said earlier, I missed the female component in my religious upbringing and I think that has caused me problems.

To me, God is One and All. The Creative Intelligence, the Loving Wisdom, whatever words you choose to use, must have the male and female components to complete the fullness of the creation of life. I also feel that it is not just man and woman characteristics but the male and female aspects of all beings!

This is why I find the Hindu religion and the Vedas so appealing. Even Buddhism has archetypal male and female Buddha’s for us to consider and meditate upon, depending on our needs.

While contemplating more deeply, or facing a particular problem or crisis in my life, I immediately find comfort when thinking about my late mother and father, and what they both might have said or done. But I need both before I can get a full perspective.

I guess psychoanalysts might say I have a mother complex, but really, I simply think that my religious upbringing, from a child, has been unbalanced. I wonder if the UK Church of England realises this imbalance too.

Once I thought that it was only men who could become enlightened and that women provided the role of guardian angels? Well, I certainly don’t think that now!

I must try harder to talk to God as male / female, mother / father, left and right, yin and yang, positive and negative – all together as One and All.

Then, and only then, can we truly be in Oneness.

Ron Young

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Truth of humanity as One being

We all seek happiness, health and wealth. We all want to love and be loved. We all naturally want to give our best and become successful, however we may choose to define success.

This means that we all want to be in a better state than we are now in. Perhaps thats why we set goals.

But if we move away from our seperate state and desires for a moment, and consider the whole of humanity as One being, and we are a part of that One being, then things can look very different.

Collectively, humanity as a whole is very abundant. All of the wealth and material objects in the world, as one, is simply staggering! If the true reality of humanity is really One being, we can say that the reality, the Truth, is that there is absolute abundance and not scarcity.

Collectively, humanity as a whole is an ongoing life force. Collectively humanity as a whole does not die. If the true reality of humanity is really One being, we can say that the reality, the Truth, is that there is no death.

We can apply the same thinking to lots of other apparent lacks and even disease.

If the true reality of humanity is One being, there is wholeness, abundance, health and, I guess, much more happiness. We can only Love one another, in such a reality, because we are each other in reality!

The problems of the world start when we believe that the reality is that we are not One being but billions of seperate individual beings.

That's when scarcity, lack, disease, poverty, competitiveness and violence occur.

The thought of Oneness is not new for Eastern spiritual and religious traditions, especially the Hindu, but it is a relatively new, but growing,thought for many Westerners.

I was told, if a new thought or concept appeals, try it. If it fades away - that's fine. If it stays and works and even grows, then let it be.

The thought of Oneness, interconnectivity, interdependance etc certainly works for me.

Ron Young

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Oneness in nature and humanity?

Again, whilst walking in the foothills of the Pyrenees in SW France this morning, I had another insight.

I think it is the beauty of the mountains in the distance, the surrounding green rows of vineyards, the hot sun and the beautiful clear blue sky that does it. Especially, it gives a strong feeling of peace and solitude and, at the same time, total connection. And that is the point of this blog today really.

I felt, while walking, why is it that, when in nature, it is so easy to naturally feel connected to all things. To naturally feel that there is a creative force in everything, directing a magnificent play. A Oneness in diversity.

Yet, when with people, the connectedness and oneness is not so natural?

Of course, some people naturally resonate and radiate oneness, but many certainly do not.

I think, maybe, that it is simply that nature communicates that we all are inter-connected as One, silently with wisdom. Many humans communicate, sometimes loudly, that we are not connected at all. That we are seperated and, quite often, better than us, with misguided knowledge!

I even know humans who consider that we are not a part on nature, but are a super species above nature.

Maybe that explains the peace and silence of spirit and the, sometimes, disturbing noise of the ego? Or is that unfair?

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