Monday, August 13, 2007

Forgiveness is giving up, and letting go, of attack thoughts

Today, I find myself in a cottage in the country village of Wickhambrook, in Suffolk, U.K.

I am surrounded my corn fields and the farmer is busily ‘making hay while the sun shines’. There is a great sense of working hard with nature.

This weekend, a miracle occurred. I have been having such a stressful time with a few people who, I feel, have been taking great advantage of my wife and I. We have both felt sad, pressurised and even, for a while, victims!

Today, simply by a change of mind; simply by seeing things differently; that all changed in just a few seconds, in the ‘twinkling of an eye’. I went from a feeling of stress and sadness to a feeling of deep loving compassion and peace. I felt the strength of unconditional love
I realised this morning that ‘forgiveness’ is not just about forgiving the person(s) who you feel have harmed you, but forgiveness is really about giving up, within your own mind, any attack thoughts that you may have.

I have built up attack thoughts and I have also felt that I needed to defend myself.

Suddenly, by giving up all attack and all defence thoughts that were in my mind, I felt a great feeling of ‘forgive them father, for they know not what they do’. I felt sorry for them and their situation. I felt great compassion and a desire to help and heal.

How wonderfully extraordinary it was to experience a rushing in to my mind of love and compassion, when I allowed my attack thoughts to go. I let go.

So forgiveness, for me, became a wonderful healing for me, and I now have a great desire to try to help others who try to hurt. Even if they will not listen to me, I know that I can, at least, see them in my minds eye in a state of perfection, as they naturally are, albeit with the need to correct errors. This will come when they are able to change their minds. Until then, I feel strong, with a willingness to help, and more at peace, as opposed to weak, anxious, stressed and sad.

So forgiveness, for me, is such a great gift to me. Forgiveness is simply giving up, and letting go, my attack thoughts in my mind. Forgiveness, for me, is seeing who we really are and what we can really be. Forgiveness is seeing Love as the only reality and lack of love as a call for help. Lack of love is simply an error in understanding.

We all want to give love and be loved. Attack thoughts make us feel we are not loved. Forgiveness makes us feel we are giving love. When we give love, we receive love.

I think it is a miracle to feel such a change of state simply by a change of mind!


Ron Young

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