I have just finished listening to the audio CDs from Esther and Jerry Hicks
on the Law of Attraction.
For the first time, in many years, I felt a strong sense of 'eureka'.
Several personal experiences and insights from Esther, on her spiritual path, made me realise that I had exactly the same experiences too! But I didn't realise the
implications nor relevance in the same way or in the same context.
Maybe this is an insight into a possible 'same pattern' of spiritual development and progress for many of us.In any event, I cannot do full justice to the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks in my summary insights below, so I would highly recommend their work at www.abraham-hicks.com.
My path resonates with her path as follows:
1. Jerry originally played around with a weejie board that Esther was not too happy about. They talk about the major phenomena of the non physical, non visible beings.
I always sensed this dimension and I never really wanted to play with the weejie board.
2. In 1983 they talked about "There has to be another level of knowing" and this is where channeling started for Esther. I often wondered about channeling myself, but, at that stage, nothing so specific as a personality such as Seth or Abraham had appeared for me. But I also felt that there was an intelligence, a higher and creative intelligence, that wanted and was willing to communicate. They talked of the "non physical being with all this wisdom".
3. The notion of a Spiritual Guide or a Higher Self or a Guardian Angel started to rock my cautious, reasonable, even doubting self. I love the wonderful, inspiring and powerful words of Esther "Something breathed me and it was a wonderful and loving experience". This resonated because I have increasingly felt that we, the lifeforce, are the invisible layer and that we breathe apparent life in to the body. The body lives and dies according to the flow of breath, the lifeforce. We are not the body. We use the body. We are the invisible lifeforce that permeates the Universe.
When my mother passed away, I saw her body in the hospital, and I knew it was not any more my mother. The lifeforce had left. The spirit had gone or returned. The body was just matter. Yet my mother and father are still very much with me in spirit.
If we are really the lifeforce within the Universe, using physical bodies to temporarily experience and express who we really are, then that lifeforce is certainly everlasting, beyond physical laws of life and death. We are what is breathed in.
4. Esther talks of her experiences in 1985 of her head moving around in meditation. For her it was spelling out letters with her nose. In my meditations, I would reach a stage of head and body movements. A swaying backwards and forwards, sometimes quite violent and sometimes quite soft. At times, I felt like I was being bent forwards and back. At times, I felt I was being massaged.
As these were the days before blogs, I simply wrote these experiences in my hand written spiritual diaries over many years. Being trained as a Yoga teacher, I was well aware, from teachings of some of the Yoga Masters, that strange experiences could happen along the way, and I was instructed to ignore them. Esther's experiences were the first similar experiences that I had heard from a lay person. She then communicated with Abraham and she took his messages to the typewriter every day for 2 months.
In my case, over a period of weeks, I had a spiritual outpouring and I incessantly wrote the short story of 'Christopher and the Knowledger'. It's a dialogue between Christopher, a man seeking the eternal Truths of the Universe, and the Knowledger, who occupies the invisible space around Planet Earth. I didn't think of myself as the channel for the Knowledger, but maybe I was?
5.Esther says that Abraham would speak with absolute clarity. For me, it was effortless to write Christopher and the Knowledger (C&K) in 1991. Even today, in 2007, I read the story and I am simply amazed at the timeless wisdom that seems to unfold to me, piece by piece, as I read and re-read. Maybe there is a timeless wisdom that we all can access, express and share with others in our own unique and authentic way?
6. Abraham told Esther that "there are many of us (we are in no place) and we are many of identical intent. In C&K, the Knowledger tells Christopher that there are many Knowledgers who surround Planet Earth. When Christopher completed his one atom of learning and understanding in the Universal Wisdom, he became a Knowledger himself. The Knowledger said that as soon as he had helped enough people to become Knowledgers, he would become complete in the Universal Wisdom.
7. It's so interesting to hear people who have the gift of 'inspiring' others. Of being enthusiastic. I feel gifted, as I am continually told that, as a teacher, I communicate complex concepts clearly and in an inspiring and enthusiastic way. 'In-spiration' and 'Ex-piration' take us back to the breath again, as life. Maybe inspirational teachers have a temporary excess of enthusiasm and lifeforce that they need to share with others?
8. For the Law of Attraction, the most powerful law in the Universe, we are told "That which is likened to itself is drawn" and that "you are a magnet attracting what you are thinking and feeling". So we are told to "Pay attention to what we are thinking and feeling" as "words and actions are extensions of thought".
In all my Yoga teacher training and meditations, and recently, in studying the Buddha and Dharma teachings, I have been told to become 'mindful' of the present moment, the 'here and now'. I have been told to be very aware of what I am thinking and doing. I have been told to make sure that I guard my mind from negative influences and dwell, instead, only on positive thoughts and emotions. The Buddha taught the pursuit of happiness. Makes great sense to me, but this was taught 2500 years ago by the Buddha and even earlier in the Vedas, the Hindu Scriptures. Abraham says "Without exception, that which you give thought to is that which you begin to invite into your experience"."The joyful launch of creation, you will be inspired into action, you must enjoy your action"
9. "Think them into being, expect them, you will be led / guided / inspired to the 'Perfect Action'". I have found this to be true for me too. I have learned to trust inspired thoughts and insights. I find it very useful to follow the Eight Fold Path of the Buddha, which is a framework for Perfect Vision, Perfect Emotion, Perfect Speech, Perfect Action, Perfect Livelihood, Perfect Effort, Perfect Mindfulness, and Perfect Meditation.
10. The Law of Allowing states "I am that which I am. I am pleased and joyful with it. Difference between us is good." In my case, I also studied 'A Course in Miracles' and the most powerful statement of all, for me, is, expressed in religious terms "I am as God created me". This means that I am not as I believe I am (I am not as I made me). This is very powerful and very liberating.
11. But one of the most powerful statements from Abraham, for me, in all the teachings, is "Another cannot come into your experience unless you invite them through your thoughts. Nothing will come into your mind unless you invite it in.
You are absolutely free to create your world and there is no need to contain or control others". This, to my mind, is Mastery of the Mind! Most of us are reacting and responding to external events in the world - good and bad - positive and negative. Mind Mastery is not about being reactive to what is out there, but being proactive, it's about being creative in thought, to what you will create out there.
So think creatively and positively and 'Guard your thoughts'.
Overall, I found the Law of Attraction, as narrated by Jerry and channeled by Abraham through Esther Hicks, to be very inspiring. It was also so comforting for me to be able, for the first time, to express my similar experiences and insights.
Ron Young
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
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