Saturday, June 23, 2007

The spiritual turning point to Enlightenment

The turning point and the enlightened transformation comes when you are ready and prepared to accept that there is no real choice in reality. Rather, it is just a matter of time, initially choosing, experiencing and learning, in a state of apparent free will, until we realise that there can be no choice. The Truth is the Truth. Reality is Reality. I am as I was created, and I am not as I believed and made myself to be.

But before we reach that stage, we believe that we have a choice, and, as a result, what then comes from us is a reflection of what we have chosen to believe and accept. So, if we choose to believe in a separated self with our own ego, then that is what manifests itself externally.

Eventually, there comes a time when we realise, and accept, that there is in reality a Higher Self, a Creative Intelligence, a Loving Wisdom from within, as our only source, and, in reality, we are all connected to, and part of that One. We are not separated beings, as we thought and believed. The only true reality is One Being connected through selfless Love.

When we realise this state, we also realise that, in Truth, we are a channel to express the Higher Self, uniquely.

This is magnificent diversity expressed within Unity.

We have no choice but to express and radiate the Truth in a totally selfless way. Unlike the ego that suppresses, based on fear, we realise that this Higher Self cannot be blocked, suppressed or hidden.

This is our spiritual heritage. This is the spiritual fruit that we must bear to the world. This is the spiritual fruit that we must allow to be given.

This is the inner song that we all must sing.

Enlightenment is when we transform from an ego centred perspective of saying ‘I can’t say this’, to a selfless perspective saying ‘I must say this. I cannot do anything other than express this as best I can. It’s not me that thinks these thoughts. They are given, not learned. It’s my meaning and purpose to express them. It’s my dharma.’

This is my true work. Nothing is more meaningful than this. Fulfillment.

Ron Young

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