As well as this blog, I keep a sort of daily diary blog to monitor my progress in changing my lifestyle. It contains, in the main, diet and exercise performance.
A day ago, I simply included that I was reading about the 'semantic web'.
The next day I got a visitor to the blog from Germany who was really
researching the semantic web! So quick and just two words only on this subject!
Lightning connections by total surprise from the most unexpected places. Enjoy and beware!
So, I suppose that 'semantic web' will be picked up again in this blog, even though it is about spiritual insights, as well as also being picked up in my health blog, and as well as being picked up in my blog about knowledge management and the semantic web!
I have learned that 'sem' is Tibetan for 'the Mind'. So maybe this is showing that the semantic web is a prototype to help us understand how the Global Mind may work?
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