Sometimes life appears to be cruel.
It may be that you experience ill health, physical, emotional and
mental suffering, and a sense of hopeless ageing.
It may be that you experience financial hardship, even extreme poverty.
It may be that you experience irreconcilable difficulties or broken loving relationships.
It may be that you experience unfairness, even brutality, and loss in many ways.
Imagine for a moment, that all these things happen at the same time :-(
You have nothing? You are nothing? Is that all we are? Our health, wealth and happiness?
My experience of all these things happening to me at the same time is not a sense of nothing left at all!
Despite all this, there is still a me inside that knows that I am really not just all these things!
Despite all this, I can meditate and go within, and gain a sense of peace, bliss, and unconditional love and forgiveness - to all people and to everything. Yes, everyone and everything.
Despite all this, I can enjoy the birds singing, the beauty of nature, and the sun shining.
There is much health and wholeness, abundance and joy to be found in the here and now :-)
How comforting to know that, in Truth, we are far far more than we will ever know, and than we will ever appear to be :-)
Sometimes we need pain to realise pleasure.
Sometimes we need to experience apparent nothingness to realise that there is always everything.
A smile can say it all :-)
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