Saturday, June 09, 2007

Oneness and selfless service

We are often reminded that the most noble and the

most worthy purpose is to be of selfless service to others
in need.

It occured to me this morning that selfless service is really

another way of understanding Oneness.

When we perform truly selfless acts, we are really losing

our ego and embracing others as us. Therefore,

selfless service, to me, is naturally acting in the state

of Oneness.

But I also realised that selfless service is, really another

way of understanding Love.

Selfless service to another individual, or for the good

of all humanity, is naturally loving others.

So, if our reality is Oneness, we know that this is

according to the Law of Love, which is demonstrated

by selfless service?

Love - Oneness - Selfless service

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