Whilst travelling from New Delhi to Ghaziabad in a car, I noticed a large billboard.
It was advertising a forthcoming spiritual event promoting the peak of well being and there was a great quote I wanted to capture and share.
"It's not about becoming Super Human
Its about realizing that being Human is Super"
Ron Young
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Unconditional Love really is everything
Unconditional Love is everything.
It is the ultimate thought, feeling and act.
It is a total feeling and thinking act of Oneness to a world of allness.
It is simply the best one can be and do.
Think about it and feel it. It is perfectly peaceful.
Perfect in knowledge too. Oh to have the wisdom to apply this.
All this is everything there is, and perfectly so.
Ron Young
It is the ultimate thought, feeling and act.
It is a total feeling and thinking act of Oneness to a world of allness.
It is simply the best one can be and do.
Think about it and feel it. It is perfectly peaceful.
Perfect in knowledge too. Oh to have the wisdom to apply this.
All this is everything there is, and perfectly so.
Ron Young
Friday, November 14, 2008
The best messages come from within
This morning, in meditation, I realized that it is far more important to first go within, to relax the busy mind and come in to inner contact.
There you will receive the best possible messages, and not in the email list.
If you are waiting for something, simply go within first.
Ron Young
There you will receive the best possible messages, and not in the email list.
If you are waiting for something, simply go within first.
Ron Young
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
All Truth is known but we need to teach it in new ways
In meditation this morning, I realised again that all Truth is known, omniscient, but although the principles are universal and timeless, we need to continually teach them to new generations in a way that they can relate to, and actually understand.
We need to put the Truth into today's setting, context, cultures, today's relative knowledge and perceptions, sciences technologies and tools.
For example, I use the wireless technologies, and those of the world wide web as a metaphor for the better understanding of our global interconnectivity and Oneness.
The principles are unchangeable. But the way we teach and understand them changes with human evolution.
Ron Young
We need to put the Truth into today's setting, context, cultures, today's relative knowledge and perceptions, sciences technologies and tools.
For example, I use the wireless technologies, and those of the world wide web as a metaphor for the better understanding of our global interconnectivity and Oneness.
The principles are unchangeable. But the way we teach and understand them changes with human evolution.
Ron Young
Saturday, October 04, 2008
All are in different stages of perfection?
While contemplating and saluting the 'Divinity in All'
this morning - Namaste
I thought: If we are all intrinsically and inherently perfect
within, then, perhaps, we are all, outwardly manifesting, in
different stages of perfection?
Maybe there is only perfection and nothing else. And we are all
simply on that one spectrum of perfection? Even a little goodness
is a visible start to perfection?
No evil? Just degrees of perfection?
Ron Young
this morning - Namaste
I thought: If we are all intrinsically and inherently perfect
within, then, perhaps, we are all, outwardly manifesting, in
different stages of perfection?
Maybe there is only perfection and nothing else. And we are all
simply on that one spectrum of perfection? Even a little goodness
is a visible start to perfection?
No evil? Just degrees of perfection?
Ron Young
Friday, October 03, 2008
Live to love another day - and all is a blessing
What a difference just a few words can make to your attitude to life and to the day.
I have blogged before about 'live to love another day' as opposed to the more general 'live to fight another day'. Just one word difference. But this morning, in meditation, I realized that we can then add, 'and all is a blessing'.
This may sound very harsh for those of us who are truly suffering, physically and/or mentally, but it lifted me to the extent that I had to write about it.
If I choose, I can decide that today, despite circumstances, I will do everything I can to love the day - give love whenever I can, gladly accept and receive love, and generally be as positive and helpful as I can. This then will add some value to the world and to my being alive today.
If I will then accept, also, that whatever happens today, whilst loving the day, is a blessing, for myself and all who are affected, then I can truly face anything and everything with more enthusiasm, positivity and hope.
So I find that by saying, 'I live to love another day, and all that happens is a blessing' is very inspiring.
Ron Young
I have blogged before about 'live to love another day' as opposed to the more general 'live to fight another day'. Just one word difference. But this morning, in meditation, I realized that we can then add, 'and all is a blessing'.
This may sound very harsh for those of us who are truly suffering, physically and/or mentally, but it lifted me to the extent that I had to write about it.
If I choose, I can decide that today, despite circumstances, I will do everything I can to love the day - give love whenever I can, gladly accept and receive love, and generally be as positive and helpful as I can. This then will add some value to the world and to my being alive today.
If I will then accept, also, that whatever happens today, whilst loving the day, is a blessing, for myself and all who are affected, then I can truly face anything and everything with more enthusiasm, positivity and hope.
So I find that by saying, 'I live to love another day, and all that happens is a blessing' is very inspiring.
Ron Young
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Forgiveness and not knowing
This morning, in meditation, I came to the feeling of forgiveness of some people who are being very harmful in their thoughts and actions to others. Naturally, my mind automatically said what I have learned since a child:
'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do'
Then, in a flash, I realized the full meaning of this wisdom for the first time.
All the major human problems of the world can be summed up by the word ignorance, and hence, illusion. Many people do not know who they really are. Many people do not realize that what they do is based on ignorance of the truth. Their actions are based on wrong thinking.
Knowledge of who we really are, 'As One in Spirit' is the true answer. Ignorance will then fall away as simply and as fast as light replaces darkness.
So to all those people who are in a level of ignorance and illusion and, as a result, are wrong thinking and wrong doing, I say with a much greater and a totally sincere understanding:
'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'
Ron Young
'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do'
Then, in a flash, I realized the full meaning of this wisdom for the first time.
All the major human problems of the world can be summed up by the word ignorance, and hence, illusion. Many people do not know who they really are. Many people do not realize that what they do is based on ignorance of the truth. Their actions are based on wrong thinking.
Knowledge of who we really are, 'As One in Spirit' is the true answer. Ignorance will then fall away as simply and as fast as light replaces darkness.
So to all those people who are in a level of ignorance and illusion and, as a result, are wrong thinking and wrong doing, I say with a much greater and a totally sincere understanding:
'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'
Ron Young
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Graziadio - thanks to God
Passing through Malibu, USA, I stayed for three days at the Graziadio Management and Business School, Pepperdine University. Such a beautiful place, overlooking the Pacific Ocean and up in the Santa Monica Mountains.
At first I thought, what a strange name for a Business School.
Then I learned of the founders with that name - great!
Then I learned that it meant 'Grazia' and 'Dio' which is Italian for
'Thanks' and 'God'.
Thanks to God. How wonderful and uplifting.
Certainly a very special place.
Ron Young
At first I thought, what a strange name for a Business School.
Then I learned of the founders with that name - great!
Then I learned that it meant 'Grazia' and 'Dio' which is Italian for
'Thanks' and 'God'.
Thanks to God. How wonderful and uplifting.
Certainly a very special place.
Ron Young
OM the greatest mantra
Increasingly, more and more of us on this planet are learning about the power of thought, especially creative thought, and its ability to shape and manifest in infinite possibilities.
Thought will affect our brain cells, which will affect our feelings, which will affect our nerves and muscles and bodies. This will then affect our 'supposedly' external world.
But try sounds too. Try to chant OM (in an A U M nnnn ) way, very slowly. Then you will strongly feel this sound, the great mantra,vibrate from the very depths of your stomach, and solar plexus region, through your chest, neck, head and crown.
Sound, therefore, also will affect our brain cells, which will affect our feelings, which will affect our nerves and muscles and bodies, and our world within and without.
OM (Amen if you prefer) is the greatest word, the greatest mantra.
Ron Young
Thought will affect our brain cells, which will affect our feelings, which will affect our nerves and muscles and bodies. This will then affect our 'supposedly' external world.
But try sounds too. Try to chant OM (in an A U M nnnn ) way, very slowly. Then you will strongly feel this sound, the great mantra,vibrate from the very depths of your stomach, and solar plexus region, through your chest, neck, head and crown.
Sound, therefore, also will affect our brain cells, which will affect our feelings, which will affect our nerves and muscles and bodies, and our world within and without.
OM (Amen if you prefer) is the greatest word, the greatest mantra.
Ron Young
Feel the Oneness and Connectedness
If you feel the yearning to be connected, to go beyond thinking, to experience the reality, to feel the higher force, higher self, creative intelligence, inner spirit. God,Buddha self or whatever name you choose for this experience,try this:
Understand and realize that the higher force is everywhere and in everything, all the time, and with you here and now.
Although in everything, just imagine the higher force is in the air all around you.
Imagine the higher force is in the breath.
Gently breath in the higher force, retain it for a few moments, and then breath out.
Do this several times, with slow and deep breaths.
You will feel the richness, the abundance, the goodness, the purity and the peace.
You will feel unity, connectedness and Oneness.
Ron Young
Understand and realize that the higher force is everywhere and in everything, all the time, and with you here and now.
Although in everything, just imagine the higher force is in the air all around you.
Imagine the higher force is in the breath.
Gently breath in the higher force, retain it for a few moments, and then breath out.
Do this several times, with slow and deep breaths.
You will feel the richness, the abundance, the goodness, the purity and the peace.
You will feel unity, connectedness and Oneness.
Ron Young
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Light a candle for Tibet
This morning, I found it impossible to relax and meditate.
Yesterday I signed on to the Candle For Tibet Light protest, and I will certainly light a candle at 9pm local time for a free Tibet.
But on that website, there is a video that has some pictures that I found so disturbing. Pictures of men holding guns to the heads of people.Although they may well be considered common in a world of wars, I find just one picture to be too much.
I try so hard, each day, to think only peaceful thoughts. I try hard to meditate each noon on World Peace and World Healing. I sincerely try to cultivate compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love to all in this world. I try to salute the divinity in all.
But this sort of brutal experience really knocks me down.
Am I an ostrich who buries his head in the sand of world reality?
Am I a useless idealist?
Am I a soft touch for the sharp wheeler/dealers in this world?
Am I wrapped up in my own ego?
Please let thoughts be things that make a difference!
But as I write this, I realize that thoughts do make a huge difference.
We have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and that is making a huge difference.I have the freedom of speech.
I meet lots of sincere, honest, trustworthy, kind, compassionate, loving, peaceful people.
This writing helps.
I will try my meditation again.
Ron Young
Yesterday I signed on to the Candle For Tibet Light protest, and I will certainly light a candle at 9pm local time for a free Tibet.
But on that website, there is a video that has some pictures that I found so disturbing. Pictures of men holding guns to the heads of people.Although they may well be considered common in a world of wars, I find just one picture to be too much.
I try so hard, each day, to think only peaceful thoughts. I try hard to meditate each noon on World Peace and World Healing. I sincerely try to cultivate compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love to all in this world. I try to salute the divinity in all.
But this sort of brutal experience really knocks me down.
Am I an ostrich who buries his head in the sand of world reality?
Am I a useless idealist?
Am I a soft touch for the sharp wheeler/dealers in this world?
Am I wrapped up in my own ego?
Please let thoughts be things that make a difference!
But as I write this, I realize that thoughts do make a huge difference.
We have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and that is making a huge difference.I have the freedom of speech.
I meet lots of sincere, honest, trustworthy, kind, compassionate, loving, peaceful people.
This writing helps.
I will try my meditation again.
Ron Young
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Global Individual
I have read about the notion of the 'Global Individual' and contemplated what it really means and its potential, but this week, I had a realisation that seemed much stronger.
Let me paint the picture.
On wednesday, I sent from S.France, where I am currently living, a work document to my team colleagues in Tokyo, Singapore, New Delhi, Manilla and Kuala Lumpur.
It was the evening for me and I went to bed, knowing that I had a videoconference with them all at 7.30am the next day. All that was required was a simple click of the email to the group. A few seconds of effortless work.
At 7.30am on thursday, we conducted the videoconference, hosted by Tokyo and facilitated by Tokyo and Singapore.
I was pleasantly surprised to hear from the team that they had read my document and that they proceeded to discuss it and adopt it. This really should be no surprise to me because I work with them in Asia frequently and I know well the time difference of up to 8hrs ahead of Europe. So when I went to bed, after a simple click of the email, they were soon getting up to start the new day, and have the videoconference with me in the afternoon in Asia.
The videoconference was a rich, but normal, exchange of information, status reporting, comments, support and action planning. After the videoconference, I sat back.
Why was I so surprised? I have spent years communicating and collaborating with virtual teams all over the world. Why did this have a deep impact?
Well, first of all, I strongly realised again that thoughts are dynamic global things with energy.
I had some thoughts in Europe. I communicated them in writing, digitally, to colleagues across Asia. They were influenced by these thoughts and expanded them.
We took action. But also, I did not feel like an individual in a team, but instead, I felt more just absorbed in one team. We still have a way to go with effective group videoconferencing, but, together with other collaborative tools and technologies, I think we are reaching a new plateau in human evolution and knowledge work.
I walked out into the garden. My wife must have thought that I was going simple, or something similar, because I felt compelled to say:
'How marvellous, how miraculous. I had some thoughts in the kitchen on wednesday,
I tapped a few keys, and I had a meaningful conversation with colleagues in Asia the next day!'
So what?
Shouldn't we all take the rapidly increasing power of the world wide web, computers, email and videoconferencing for granted? Aren't they simply normal, mainstream knowledge working tools?
I felt... many human beings around the planet have certainly evolved to the point where we can now think anywhere, communicate those thoughts everywhere, and work with time and space in completely new ways. 'Going to work' is being augmented by 'thinking to work' too, from anywhere.
For several years, I have perceived the global internet and world wide web as a growing collective third brain that is getting smarter and smarter, and is there to assist humans with developing and applying their collective intelligence. We can transfer our thoughts and information around the planet, seemingly at the speed of light! This seems to be a natural extension of turning our thoughts into reality.
Thanks to my Asian friends, I feel, as we can all feel, like a Global Individual.
Ron Young
Let me paint the picture.
On wednesday, I sent from S.France, where I am currently living, a work document to my team colleagues in Tokyo, Singapore, New Delhi, Manilla and Kuala Lumpur.
It was the evening for me and I went to bed, knowing that I had a videoconference with them all at 7.30am the next day. All that was required was a simple click of the email to the group. A few seconds of effortless work.
At 7.30am on thursday, we conducted the videoconference, hosted by Tokyo and facilitated by Tokyo and Singapore.
I was pleasantly surprised to hear from the team that they had read my document and that they proceeded to discuss it and adopt it. This really should be no surprise to me because I work with them in Asia frequently and I know well the time difference of up to 8hrs ahead of Europe. So when I went to bed, after a simple click of the email, they were soon getting up to start the new day, and have the videoconference with me in the afternoon in Asia.
The videoconference was a rich, but normal, exchange of information, status reporting, comments, support and action planning. After the videoconference, I sat back.
Why was I so surprised? I have spent years communicating and collaborating with virtual teams all over the world. Why did this have a deep impact?
Well, first of all, I strongly realised again that thoughts are dynamic global things with energy.
I had some thoughts in Europe. I communicated them in writing, digitally, to colleagues across Asia. They were influenced by these thoughts and expanded them.
We took action. But also, I did not feel like an individual in a team, but instead, I felt more just absorbed in one team. We still have a way to go with effective group videoconferencing, but, together with other collaborative tools and technologies, I think we are reaching a new plateau in human evolution and knowledge work.
I walked out into the garden. My wife must have thought that I was going simple, or something similar, because I felt compelled to say:
'How marvellous, how miraculous. I had some thoughts in the kitchen on wednesday,
I tapped a few keys, and I had a meaningful conversation with colleagues in Asia the next day!'
So what?
Shouldn't we all take the rapidly increasing power of the world wide web, computers, email and videoconferencing for granted? Aren't they simply normal, mainstream knowledge working tools?
I felt... many human beings around the planet have certainly evolved to the point where we can now think anywhere, communicate those thoughts everywhere, and work with time and space in completely new ways. 'Going to work' is being augmented by 'thinking to work' too, from anywhere.
For several years, I have perceived the global internet and world wide web as a growing collective third brain that is getting smarter and smarter, and is there to assist humans with developing and applying their collective intelligence. We can transfer our thoughts and information around the planet, seemingly at the speed of light! This seems to be a natural extension of turning our thoughts into reality.
Thanks to my Asian friends, I feel, as we can all feel, like a Global Individual.
Ron Young
Sunday, April 13, 2008
New ebooks launched
I am glad to blog that my two ebooks, 'Christopher and the Knowledger'
and 'Enlightenments is...' are both available to buy and immediately download.
I have a direct storefront for these books at lulu.
Ron Young
More at:
and 'Enlightenments is...' are both available to buy and immediately download.
I have a direct storefront for these books at lulu.
Ron Young
More at:
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The importance of Daily Spiritual Routines
Again this weekend, I have had several deep insights that I feel compelled to share.
The deepest follows on from my visit to India in February 2008, and attending a conference, and resonating with one particular paper that was presented.
My professional work, since 1993, has been in the area of knowledge management, and I have always kept my professional writings and my spiritual writings separate.
At the conference, the speaker from India eloquently linked yoga and meditation, and the traditional values of the Indic culture and ancient knowledge systems, to knowledge management, as a personal tool to accelerate learning and give greater acces to subconscious, or even superconscious, knowledge and wisdom.
It blew me away, because it 'legitimised' and united the two streams of professional and spiritual in ways I had always intuited myself, but never quite verbalised in the same way.
It enabled me to see my daily spiritual routine and daily professional routine in a much better way.
But it did much more than that!
It made me realise the importance of 'daily' spiritual routines.
In particular, I realised again, that if you don't meditate daily, it's like wearing the same clothes without washing them. Eventually, they become dirtier and heavier. This is what happens to the Mind. Meditation is like washing. Each time we put the garment in the water it becomes cleaner, as the dirt is washed away.
If we wash regularly enough, the garment is always clean.
The Mind is like this. If we meditate, it is a cleansing and purifying of the Mind.
There are always rogue thoughts and events that can affect our natural state of tranquility, but if we meditate, we can deal with them properly. If we do not, these thoughts may get hold and our mind becomes less pure, less clean.
I guess I like the metaphor of continually needing to 'weed the garden'.
Stop regular weeding routines and see what happens when the weeds take over.
A pure Mind is naturally and unconditionally loving and compassionate and healthy. So are our resulting attitudes, thoughts and actions. An unpure Mind can become fearful and unloving. It's the same with our attitudes and actions.
I must wash my clothes regularly. I must clean my house regularly. I must weed my garden regularly.
I must purify and clean my Mind regularly.
A regular daily spiritual routine that, includes meditation, does that for me.
Ron Young
More at:
The deepest follows on from my visit to India in February 2008, and attending a conference, and resonating with one particular paper that was presented.
My professional work, since 1993, has been in the area of knowledge management, and I have always kept my professional writings and my spiritual writings separate.
At the conference, the speaker from India eloquently linked yoga and meditation, and the traditional values of the Indic culture and ancient knowledge systems, to knowledge management, as a personal tool to accelerate learning and give greater acces to subconscious, or even superconscious, knowledge and wisdom.
It blew me away, because it 'legitimised' and united the two streams of professional and spiritual in ways I had always intuited myself, but never quite verbalised in the same way.
It enabled me to see my daily spiritual routine and daily professional routine in a much better way.
But it did much more than that!
It made me realise the importance of 'daily' spiritual routines.
In particular, I realised again, that if you don't meditate daily, it's like wearing the same clothes without washing them. Eventually, they become dirtier and heavier. This is what happens to the Mind. Meditation is like washing. Each time we put the garment in the water it becomes cleaner, as the dirt is washed away.
If we wash regularly enough, the garment is always clean.
The Mind is like this. If we meditate, it is a cleansing and purifying of the Mind.
There are always rogue thoughts and events that can affect our natural state of tranquility, but if we meditate, we can deal with them properly. If we do not, these thoughts may get hold and our mind becomes less pure, less clean.
I guess I like the metaphor of continually needing to 'weed the garden'.
Stop regular weeding routines and see what happens when the weeds take over.
A pure Mind is naturally and unconditionally loving and compassionate and healthy. So are our resulting attitudes, thoughts and actions. An unpure Mind can become fearful and unloving. It's the same with our attitudes and actions.
I must wash my clothes regularly. I must clean my house regularly. I must weed my garden regularly.
I must purify and clean my Mind regularly.
A regular daily spiritual routine that, includes meditation, does that for me.
Ron Young
More at:
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Inspire, Aspire, Expire
I had an insight this morning about the lifeforce and the breath.
Nothing new, in fact I have had this many times over the years, but I feel compelled, this time, to record it.
As a Yoga teacher, I realised the power of the breath and its link to the lifeforce, but this morning I felt a strong need to focus on
Breath in - 'Inspire'
Hold and develop the breath - 'Aspire'
Breath out - 'Expire'
As I consider that the life force, the creative intelligence, the loving wisdom, or whatever you wish to call it, is really the invisible, in and all around us, I relate it to ther breath as:
Inspire - I breath in the life force, I am being in life force
Aspire - I become the life force
Expire - I breath out the life force, after conscious awareness of becoming the life force
It's a sort of process that I find hard to explain, with many implications and interpretations, but, somehow, it feels right and right to write :-)
Ron Young
More at:
Nothing new, in fact I have had this many times over the years, but I feel compelled, this time, to record it.
As a Yoga teacher, I realised the power of the breath and its link to the lifeforce, but this morning I felt a strong need to focus on
Breath in - 'Inspire'
Hold and develop the breath - 'Aspire'
Breath out - 'Expire'
As I consider that the life force, the creative intelligence, the loving wisdom, or whatever you wish to call it, is really the invisible, in and all around us, I relate it to ther breath as:
Inspire - I breath in the life force, I am being in life force
Aspire - I become the life force
Expire - I breath out the life force, after conscious awareness of becoming the life force
It's a sort of process that I find hard to explain, with many implications and interpretations, but, somehow, it feels right and right to write :-)
Ron Young
More at:
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