Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Forgiveness and not knowing

This morning, in meditation, I came to the feeling of forgiveness of some people who are being very harmful in their thoughts and actions to others. Naturally, my mind automatically said what I have learned since a child:

'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do'

Then, in a flash, I realized the full meaning of this wisdom for the first time.

All the major human problems of the world can be summed up by the word ignorance, and hence, illusion. Many people do not know who they really are. Many people do not realize that what they do is based on ignorance of the truth. Their actions are based on wrong thinking.

Knowledge of who we really are, 'As One in Spirit' is the true answer. Ignorance will then fall away as simply and as fast as light replaces darkness.

So to all those people who are in a level of ignorance and illusion and, as a result, are wrong thinking and wrong doing, I say with a much greater and a totally sincere understanding:

'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'

Ron Young