Everything that you could possibly want or need is here.
It's in the here and now. And it always was.But the whole
is to be found in both the inner here and now, and, as well
as, and not just from, the external here and now.
The only problem you have, if you are not fully awake, is that
you only see that part of the whole that you believe.
For example, if you really believe that the world is predominantly
a dangerous place, you will certainly project that, and you will
selectively perceive the dangers that exist in that view of the world.
What you see will reinforce what you believe.
If you really believe that the world is predominantly a loving
and peaceful place, you will certainly project that, and you will
selectively perceive the love that exists in that view of the world.
What you see will reinforce your belief.
If you are not fully awake to the moment, if you are not Mindful,
you will experience 'selective perception'.
Being Mindful is having total perception (true knowledge) in the
here and now.
Then you will certainly realise that state, and you will see and know
that 'All is One and One is All'
When you only see a part, good or bad, you will not be satisfied.
You will not be fulfilled. Fulfillment comes with seeing the One
and All.
Ron Young