Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Superconsciousness

In all my contemplations and meditations, over the years,
I keep coming back to the Superconsciousness.

I like the notion of the Conscious part of us having an objective
focus on the external finite physical world that is partially
perceived, as best it can, by the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling,
touching, tasting etc.Yet recognizing its inability to
comprehend all of reality. i.e it sees a flat world when we
know it is round.

I like the notion of the Subconscious part of us having a
subjective focus on the internal infinite non-physical world within.
I like the idea that it is connected to the infinite universal mind.

I still see the Superconscious part of us that has a perfect ideal,
a perfect seed, that is there for us to better access and bring
in to manifestation in both our subconscious mind first, and then
into our conscious mind, and eventually in manifestation physically.

I guess I seee it as the perfect DNA that all life refers to, to
help us evolve towards perfection.

Ron Young