Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Enlightenment is going beyond pleasure and pain

In looking at the Buddhist 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path I am reminded of the need to go beyond pleasure and pain.

If craving is the cause of suffering or unsatisfactoriness, then we need to go beyond craving.
Seeking pleasure and avoiding pain is what we seem to be doing most of the time, but sometimes 'doing the right things' may mean doing painful things. But we know that this is wise.

So, we have to follow the right path and do the right things, in our search for living in the Truth, as a first principle, and seek pleasure and avoid pain - as a second principle.

Christians would express this as 'Seek ye first the kingdom of god/heaven and all else will be added'

What is the first principle? Love & Compassion (Love thy neighbour as thyself) or Wisdom (seeing reality as it is and acting accordingly) or both Love and Wisdom as one?

Stephen Covey has a great book on business ethics 'Principle-Centred Leadership'.