I have always liked the notion that reality is 'One' or even 'One and All'
All in One and One in All.
I like the notion that the two hemisperes of the brain, which are diametrically opposed, yet complementary, make us see/perceive a dualistic world, at least, with seperatedness and multiplicity of objects. I agree that this practical world of duality with a continuous dance of opposites, that we live in is, therefore, not absolute reality but our perceived reality, and may be called illusion.
I am trying to deepen my meditations because I feel as if I am transcending duality into Oneness. Maybe, by quietening the activities of the left and right hemispheres I am sinking into the underlying oneness.
If we are all One in reality, all part of the One Universal Being, with no real seperation, our entire ethical system and behaviours to one another (really to ourselves) would change dramatically. No stealing, violence and killing, lying, abusing, or anything that does not comply with the Golden Rule of 'Loving your neighbour as yourself'.
I can cope with all of this, in fact I love all of this, and choose to practice Oneness to the best of my ability
So what of Nothingness?
Do we need to transcend further, from Oneness to Nothingness?
I think Nirvana is sanskrit for zero-ness?
The Vedas talk of 'suchness'
When I contemplate 'becoming such' comes to mind.
I think and feel that suchness hits the mark, or 'thats what it really is'.