We are told that there are at least three key phases to a successful and fulfilled spiritual life:
1. Blissful Ignorance - 2. Painful Knowledge - 3. Blissful Wisdom
1. Blissful Ignorance - a new born baby seems to be the nearest to this first phase of perfection, and connection with One and All.
2. Painful Knowledge - when a child learns, for the first time, about life and death and develops an incorrect belief in a 'seperate' self. Then, as a result, we develop our egos and our sense of fear, scarcity and need for competitiveness.
3. Blissful Wisdom - when we realise who we truly are. When we realise that we are part of a highly interconnected One and All. We are not seperated at this higher level. We are not ego's. This Oneness of life, the essence of which is eternal, continues beyond the mere birth and death of the physical body. There is no death only continual life and transformation! This Oneness of life is abundant and full. There is no need to compete - only to openly communicate, collaborate, learn, share, serve, create, and, most importantly, enjoy! .