I have always been interested in the notion that our dominating thoughts create our reality.
It works for me - think a loving world - see a loving world - think an evil world - see an evil world. So we need a collective world dominated by positive thinkers, not the other way round.
I really like the idea that we can truly 'create' our own reality from the unlimited, invisible, formless abundance and so there is no need to 'compete' for what is already formed. Instead, create something new and add this to the world.
I have learned that humans create most new things from the already formed, which is good, but I am told that we should spend far more creative thinking time to bring about new forms from the formless. I agree.
But the world wide web is now enabling much more of formless creativity around the world, much faster than before. I think thoughts, create a blog, share it, and hope for feedback, to help me better shape my thoughts, to then create more :-)