Sunday, April 29, 2007

Oneness, Wisdom, Peace and Unconditional Love

Last year, I felt compelled to blog to the theme

'Enlightenment is . . .'

The end result was an ebook that is available free on
the website.

This year, I now feel compelled to blog on the themes

'Oneness is..., Wisdom is..., Peace is..., Unconditional Love is ....

Lets see where that takes me?

I have read that 1st May is, for the LoveFoundation

'Global Love Day'

Thats great! - take a look at

More at:

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Oneness and U Thant at the United Nations

So, today, once again, I realise that what I thought was a
great revelation, was only a great revelation to me.

Last week I realised that a better realisation of 'Oneness'
could have a major impact on society. This caused me to
write a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Yesterday, researching Oneness further, I learned that in 1975
religious leaders of the world sent a statement of the importance
of Oneness to U Thant, the Buddhist monk, who
was the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the 60's/70's!

Furthermore, they said it much better than I ever could.

Well, at least, I know that I am on the right track.
I think?

More at:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Videoblog of Letter to the United Nations about Oneness

I thought I would post a videoblog of my letter to the Secretar-General of the United N, concerning Oneness, on YouTube.

This is my first attempt to create a videoblog, so the first few seconds only have a sound problem.

As always, I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

If you wish to support my message, you can do this from the homepage of my website


Ron Young

The Web and Oneness

It seems that Oneness has emerged for me as the key
topic of this year, so far. Last year it was Enlightenment.

It seems that everywhere I look on the Web, I see
fantastic websites with stories and video's on how
more and more people are experiencing Oneness
in their day to day activities and work.

Well, I am a knowledge management consultant, and
if you also work with global connectivity, communications,
collaborative workgroups, learning, creating, sharing and
applying knowledge globally, you know that you simply
cannot help but think this way, naturally.

The best example for me, so far, is

Good luck with this great work!

Suddenly, I feel so much more liberated!

Ron Young

More at:

Monday, April 23, 2007

Kingdom Of Oneness

Duration 03.55mins

Again, in my search for Oneness stories, Pete Wilson has a great message.

It is no coincidence that my favourite song of all time is John Lennon's 'Imagine'.

Ron Young

Oneness Message from Sri Bhagavan

Duration 01.31 minutes

Just a couple of days after posting my letter to the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon,on how a better understanding of Oneness can dramatically affect the achievement of the 8 United Nations Millennium Development Goals, I discover this video from Sri Bhagavan on Oneness.

He says it much better than I ever can!


Ron Young

Oneness Temple Dance

I really like the idea behind this Temple. It has a capacity for 8,000 people and the intention is to keep it to full capacity, around the clock, with people meditating on world peace and oneness.

That's really cool!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Letter to the UN Secretary General concerning Oneness

Today, I felt compelled to write to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary
General of the United Nations and urge him to consider how
the realisation of Global Oneness could have a major effect
on achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals.

A copy of the letter is enclosed below.

If you are in agreement with what I say, and my request for
the UN to now urgently consider this, I respectfully ask you to
register your agreement too.

More at:

Ban Ki-moon
United Nations First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY10017 USA
21st April 2007
Dear Secretary-General,

The real solution beyond the 8 Millennium Development Goals

For the past 14 years, as a knowledge management consultant
based in Cambridge UK, I have helped individuals, teams,
organisations and global communities better harness, create, share
and apply their collective knowledge.

Most recently, I have assisted UN agencies concerned with
eradicating extreme poverty, and concerned with global
biodiversity and conservation for a sustainable planet.

This involves the development of radically new knowledge
strategies, processes, systems and global web centric technologies.

More importantly, it requires new thinking and cultures, based on
our new global knowledge working capabilities to better collaborate
and work as one.

This work gave me a very special insight indeed into the work of
the UN from a global knowledge management perspective.
I think this may be a new perspective. And, therefore, I feel
compelled to share it with you.

As a result, I have now realised, at the age of sixty, that, in my
humble opinion, the United Nations is missing the most important
goal of all, and it is in itself the only real solution to all the eight
established MDGs. In its continued absence, the MDGs may never
be fully realised.

This goal fully embraces and transcends all religions and non
religions and belief systems.

It is:

‘To develop a universal education of our true reality ’

The only real answer to the world’s problems and sufferings, and
at least the MDGs, is a proper understanding of who we really are.
Global science and technologies are starting to demonstrate this.

Historically, we have got it wrong through inadequate knowledge
and education.

With the greatest respect, the majority of people in the world are
living in fear and an illusion at worst, and living in doubt with partial
knowledge at best, about our true reality.

This is why the manifest world of violence, selfishness and suffering
will continue to be a reflection of our wrong thinking until we correct

Science and technology can now demonstrate the truth that we are
all One in reality. Despite misleading physical appearances of
separation, we have known for many years that we are not the
separate physical body.

The ongoing life force of humanity uses separate bodies but is, in
fact, one underlying entity of which we are all interconnected and

The science and technologies emerging in the 21st Century are now
demonstrating what the ancient wisdom has been trying to teach us
for centuries.

A major shift in thinking now has to emerge about our true identity.

I believe this was first made explicit in the Vedas and Upanishads
of India several thousand years ago; this is hidden or obscurely stated,
and not well understood, in most major world religions and spiritual
traditions; this can now be glimpsed and much better understood
through the emerging Web 3.0 and wireless technologies towards
a more meaningful and collective global mind; and this can now be
taught and more easily understood to all ages and all cultures.

Think, just for a moment, about the enormous impact and the
major social and economic implications for the world by
understanding and applying this truth.

In this new way of thinking there would be an immediate impact
on global ethics. This would immediately impact world terrorism,
general violence and all forms of crime. There would be an
immediate impact on extreme poverty and hunger, primary
education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health,
HIV/AIDS, and other diseases, environmental sustainability
and global development partnerships.

All that is required is for people to think differently about who
we really are.

Once people realise that, in fact, we are one underlying
entity of which we are all interconnected and interdependent,
and not separate beings, an immediate change in belief will
immediately change our attitudes, performance and behaviours.

This is not religion. This is a paradigm shift in our thinking as a
result of new knowledge.

This sounds simple, but you know much better than I that it
requires new effort, policy and action. It requires, at least,
education, education and more education!

May I respectfully beg you to consider this further? We are
all living in a privileged time when the increasingly rapid global
knowledge sharing that is taking place, through global
communications, collaboration and continuous learning
technologies will bring about this paradigm shift and quantum
leap in our human evolution in the foreseeable future.

But we need global leadership and facilitation of this major
event for humankind now.

We need the United Nations to now consider this further, and
to understand and act on this.

The last great challenge is to enable the countries of the
world to work together as one, globally, in providing a universal
education of our true reality, and let it be delivered in culturally
acceptable ways locally.

The UN strives for universal primary education for all in
underdeveloped areas. But I respectfully suggest that what we
really need now is universal primary spiritual knowledge and
education for all areas of the advanced, developed and
underdeveloped world areas.

There is much suffering throughout the entire world today,
based purely on spiritual poverty!

I propose that it is timely for the UN to develop something like
a Universal Declaration of Global Human Identity.

Naturally, I would be delighted to expand on this thinking to
anyone at any time.

My primary interest in life is to try to contribute, as best I can,
to this understanding, and to the better use of rapidly emerging
global knowledge networks and supporting technologies, that are
moving us all towards an awareness and understanding of an
increasingly interconnected and interdependent humanity, at one
with itself.

I sincerely hope that you might consider further how this one goal
is absolutely critical to the fulfilment of the eight Millennium goals.

Respectfully yours,
Ron Young

More at:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I felt compelled to become a vegetarian

In my thirties I felt compelled to become a vegetarian.

Most of the people I meet are not vegetarians. Most of the
people I eat with socially today, are not vegetarians.

So, as a result, I am often asked 'Why are you a vegetarian,
is it for religious or health reasons?'

Actually, the primary reason is neither. The primary reason
is spiritual. I can no longer subscribe to any suffering of any
being that is not absolutely necessary.

My early childhood encounter with violence, together with
a growing sensitivity to the inter-connectedness of all beings
led me to the view that 'all life is sacred'.

Nearly thirty years ago, my wife and I bought a small organic farm
in Thaxted, Essex, UK, we had to have horses, chickens, cows
and calfs, goats, pigs, ducks, geese, birds, dogs, cats etc.

Of course, we gave all of them names. We would feed over 60
mouths a day.

We personally fed them all I remember three piglest
that we called 'pork, chops, and bacon'.

Well you know where I am going from here!

I just survived a friend killing our first cockerel.
Drinking milk and eating eggs was ok.

But taking the pigs and the family cow to the abbattoir!!!

Too close. Too real. Too much suffering and violence.
This was really really harming other beings! Other
sacred life!

It didn't take long to realise that this was wrong for us.

I believe that people are too shrink wrapped supermarket
removed from the reality of suffering and, I believe many
would come to the same conclusion we did, if they had
live so closely to the natural truth.

So vegetarianism started as a spiritual cry not to harm any
other being - non-violence. However, today I can feel many
health benefits and ecological benefits for being vegetarian.
More about that later...

More at:

Wisdom of Taoism

I am so open to what all major religions can teach us.

Whenever I read something that resonates deeply, I suspect
it is the Truth, and I should pay particular attention.

Recently, I came across this snippet if wisdom on Taoism that
I resonated with at:

In ancient China (around 2,500 years ago), a religious system called Taoism was firmly established by a holy man named Lao-tzu. Although one may find, in their scriptures, things that are mysterious or confusing, the basic teachings of Taoism can be summarized thus:

1. Discover the Ultimate Truth behind man and universe, and,
2. Practise this Ultimate Truth by becoming One with it, then,
3. These are the correct Way (Tao) of human existence.

Cool !

More at:

The great gift of non-violence

My recent blog about my first encounter with violence made me
remember that one of the greatest attractions to me, in another
human being, is an attitude of non-violence.

It is, for me, the primary requisite for inner peace.

So I was so pleased to be reminded today that it was Martin
Luther King who nominated Thay Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamise
Buddhist Monk, for the Nobel Peace Prize, as a result of his
non-violence during so many years of war and terror.

Ultimately, it was the non-violence of Ghandi that won in India.

And, it is the non-violence of Nelson Mandela, despite many
years of extreme hardship, that won through in the end.

I know, in my own life, that whenever I am confronted with
physical, emotional and mental violence, that my reaction is
to almost take pity, and I try to be compassionate if I can.

I do know that non-violence is absolutely right. Violence
is wrong. Peace keeping troops are doomed to failure, unless
we all have a peace within.

So I strive on to improve ....

More at:

Monday, April 16, 2007

The whole Universe is an extension of yourself

I enjoyed discovering the global oneness project website,
and watching the video interviews from people who are
experiencing oneness, unity and inter-connectivity in their
work at:

The interviewees were asked what oneness meant to them.

It reminded me of my first noticable glimpse and encounter
with oneness.

I was in my mid-thirties on a business trip to San Francisco.

I checked into my hotel room and was amazed at the view from
my window of the panorama of skyscrapers and buildings
reaching down to the bay.

Suddenly, I felt quite strange. And then it occurred to me.

All these buildings and all this activity is for me. All this is
for all of us. This is an extension of me!

Well that really felt weird. At first, I could not understand it
at all. Gradually, it started to make more sense.

The whole Universe is an extension of yourself!

In moments of meditation, when I can absorb myself into
anything, or when I walk in the countryside, and feel the
closeness of nature, I often feel:

We are All in the One and the whole One is in each of us All.

More at:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My first encounter with violence and brutality

Again, it is a universal Truth that all of humanity goes through a first
experience of, what we perceive at the time to be, violence and brutality.

Of course, the circumstances and our reactions to them will vary
enormously, but the first impact is still there.

For me, as a child of around 7 years, I vividly remember watching the
television set at home and seeing a documentary of the Nazi
concentration/death camps from world war II.

I was simply horrified to the core to see lots of dead bodies being
thrown into large open trenches.

The experience has never left me. How could anybody do that.

Similarly, I have seen so many instances, from childhood to the
present day, where people have been executed.

I remember film from Vietnam of a soldier pointing a gun to the
head of a kneeled prisoner, and then executing him. And much more.

Even fictitious thrillers that involved people being hung at the gallows,
or going to the guillotine, or convicted murderers on death row, or
fighting with gladiators, or burnt at the stake, just horrify me beyond

Even my school friends thought I was wacky to not like the violence
in films about cowboys and indians. Today, I still refuse to watch any
TV or film that is violent!

I have never been able to understand such violence between human beings!

I sort of understand violence and killing in the animal kingdom as
the law of nature, and necessary for survival, but I don’t even like to
watch this either.

I don’t even like arguments and confrontations, although I have to
say that I continue to argue and get caught in confrontations, even
to this day. I must keep working on this.

Yet, on a daily basis, following global news on TV and the newspapers,
we are bombarded with rape, knife killings, shootings and muggings.
Daily, we hear of bombings and shootings of soldiers and innocent
civilians in wars around the world!

Such suffering. Such violence and such brutality. And we are now
in the 21st century!

To me, all life is sacred. It is a supreme gift. Life is a miracle. We are
all each others family.

How can anybody contemplate harming another being, let alone
inflict violence, brutality and even killing?

I wonder how much this first encounter with violence and brutality
affected my desire to seek the Truth and to want to see the
development of spiritual values of unconditional love and compassion,
forgiveness, peace, wisdom, purity and happiness.

Do you remember your first encounter with violence and brutality?

Namaste! I salute the divinity in you.

Namaste! I salute the divinity in One and All

More at:

My first encounter with the experience of separation

It’s a universal Truth. All human beings, at least, have a first
encounter with the experience of separation.

When exactly, I don’t know.

It may even be a subconscious feeling and experience when leaving
the mothers womb, or the first breath, or the cutting of the
umbilical cord.

But for me, although I cannot remember the early birth experience,
I clearly remember my first conscious experience, and trauma,
of separation.

I guess I was around three/four years old and living with my parents
in Dagenham Essex in the United Kingdom. We lived in a three
bedroomed corner council house, next to a large park.

My father was a steam train engine driver, and he was obviously
working his night shift. I was put to bed in the early evening. My
mother decided to simply go out to the next door neighbour,
Mrs Rawlings, probably just for a simple chat and a cup of tea.
I guess she would have done this many times to while the time
away from Dads night shift.

Unfortunately, for her that night, I was not fully asleep. She hadn’t
even got past the front gate when I rushed into her bedroom and
literally screamed the house down! I remember that I was quite
uncontrollable at the time. I screamed for my mother not to leave me.

My poor mother. She had to come back into the house and console me.
Eventually, I must have fallen asleep. Whether she stayed in, or
went back to Mrs Rawlings I don’t know.

This first conscious experience of separation was very traumatic
for me. A simple seemingly harmless act turned out to be something
that stuck within me all my life.

After a year with a psychoanalyst in 2003, fifty seven years later,
he concluded that this child trauma had a significant effect on my
worldview concerning security, relationships and intimacy.

Maybe the first conscious experience for others may not be
traumatic at all. I am not sure what is supposed to be the normal.
Presumably, there should be no trauma? I don’t know. Maybe we
all have a first traumatic experience of separation?

Certainly, we all have a first experience of separation!

I now wonder to what degree this traumatic act had on my
subsequent seeking for the Truth, and the eventual realisation that
we are not separate, but connected as One and All.

Let’s face it, this spiritual Truth of One and All is totally and
diametrically opposite to the physical act and illusion of being separate!

Even our scientists, today, will confirm that we do not end at the end
of our skin. There is no physical end or boundary to our skin.

Under a microscope / spectrometer we realise that we are really a
spectrum of energy that fades in intensity between people to give the
illusion to the human eye that we are separate. In reality we are all
connected in the same soup of energy, or I prefer the metaphor of the
same one Ocean of life.

At the sub-atomic level, in Truth, all beings are One being of energy
that is simply flowing and ‘becoming’ all the time.

I wonder if we all have to have this experience of ‘apparently being
separated’ to then be given the motivation and opportunity to then l
earn the Truth of no separation?

It has been said by many that life on planet earth is a spiritual school,
and we all need to have a set of experiences that are contrary to the
Truth, to then cause and enable us to seek and realise the Truth?

Can you remember the details of your first encounter with the
experience of separation?

More at:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

ONE is the solution to everything, lets start with the Millenium Development Goals

Imagine, just for a moment, that we are all One.
Imagine that reality and Truth is Oneness.
Imagine that we will all realise that one day

All beings, living and non-living, from gases, minerals,
plants, micro-organisms, insects, animals and human beings,
all flowing as parts of ONE Planetary organism. One large soup.
And that is just a perspective for Planet Earth!

If you are able to, you can extend this to include all in our solar system,
or even galaxy or Universe as ONE creative intelligent being.

Imagine, if we all knew this to be true, we would immediately realise that:

- harming any being is really harming ourselves - eventually there
could be no violence.

- allowing extreme poverty, hunger and suffering is really suffering
ourselves - eventually there could be no poverty, hunger and suffering.

- not achieving universal primary education, in any part, is really not
educating ourselves - eventually there could be, at least, universal
primary education

- not promoting gender equality and empowerment for women,
anywhere, is really not promoting equality and empowerment
for ourselves - eventually there could be no inequality or

- not promoting the best and fastest way to combat HIV / AIDS
maleria and other diseases, is really keeping ourselves diseased
and - eventually there could be faster and more effective solutions
to disease.

- not ensuring environmental sustainability in any part of the world
is really not ensuring our own environmental sustainability
so - eventually there could be global environmental sustainability

- not developing an effective global partnership for development
is really not communicating with ourselves - eventually we could
be All communicating as One.

So, by simply realizing that we are truly One, would immediately
provide us with a new set of global ethics, a new perspective of
who we really are, a new Self .......

..... and the reality of One would be the solution to everything,
starting with some key Millenium Development Goals.

Can we achieve this realisation before 2015?

More at:

My first encounter with the idea of death

I have often contemplated why it is that I have been continually
seeking the Truth throughout my life? Why I have always wanted
to know answers to the eternal questions of life:

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What's my meaning and purpose (if any)?
What's the meaning and purpose of the Universe (if any)?

I know that I have always been interested in philosophy, but this
incessant drive makes me believe there is more to it than simply
an intellectual interest.

I always return to what I now know to be a key turning point in life,
and that is when I first came across the idea of death, as a child.

I am not sure how old I was? But I guess sometime between 4 and 6
years old? Probably, at school, I was told for the very first time in my
life that one day we all die. There is death. This was my first encounter
with the idea of death.

It's interesting, because this has to be a universal encounter for all
humanity. All of us, at some early childhood stage must learn the idea
of death. It must affect us all. One minute we are in blissful
ignorance in life, and the next, we start thinking of the idea of death.

Of course, I appreciate that some people will have a different view
about beyond death, depending on their religious or non-religious

Before this, you might say, I was in blissful ignorance. And because
I had not heard of death, I naturally acted in a more blissful way.

In my case, I was brought up in a Christian family and I was told
about Heaven and Hell, and at death, I would be judged.

Also, for the first time, I had to think about the notion of infinity.
Because I asked myself 'How long are we dead?' and the answer
came back 'forever and forever and forever and forever and ....'.

When I first thought about death and infinity, I vividly recall
how I immediately sat up in bed and said 'There is no death,
this is wrong. I want to be like Jesus Christ and live forever!
Later, I modified this thinking to 'we will find a cure for death
in my lifetime and we will all live forever'.

Later, I learned that 'the fear of death' is one of the primary
root causes for much of our actions and behaviours, even though
it might appear as something quite different, at the time,
throughout our lives. I learned that many people start to become
more religious as they get older and think more about mortality
and death, probably based on an increasing fear of death.
For most of us, as children and young adults, death is
a long way away and not an immediate concern.

This idea of death, if it is wrong, has much to answer for.

So maybe my prime motivator to seek the key answers to the key
questions in life, comes from the first encounter with the idea of

But because I had problems with the stories my Christian Church
wanted me to believe, about sinning and judgement and Heaven
and Hell, I looked elsewhere. Not realising, at the time, that
Mystical Christianity had some good teachings and answers
about life and death and that we can all have a direct experience
with God, as opposed to just through organised religions.

Now here comes the paradox!

At the age of around 30 years, I discovered Eastern Philosophies
and Religions that teach eternal life, and only death of the body.
Some talk about discarding the body, as an old coat, and putting
on a new one and reincarnation of the spirit. Some talk about
the soul continually coming back until it is fully realized and /or
enlightened, and does not need to come back to learn anymore.

What is fascinating is that the Christian based notion of death
tends to instill a fear of dying, and many of the Eastern based
notions of death tend to instill a fear of coming back with a new
life, and more suffering. So one can fear both dying and coming
back to life depending on your beliefs formed from childhood.

So we are all battling with the notion of death.

But my point of writing this piece is to say that it is my belief
that our biggest mistake is not how we interpret death for
the first time, as children, even though this may well even prove
to be one of the most traumatic experiences in our lives, but
the even bigger mistake is to believe that we are seperate
beings with seperate lives !!

If we accept that we are, in reality, in Truth, One humanity
that is all connected at a higher level, we can accept that
humanity is one large moving Ocean of life, and that the
'individual' is just a temporary material manifestation
from the Ocean of life that grows and subsides back into
that same living Ocean of ongoing life.

Then there is no death. The death of the individual is a
mistaken notion based on incomplete knowledge.

Here is the next paradox - it is not until there is death of the idea
of the seperate individual that we can truly see death for what
it is (not) !

So I don't think that I became a seeker of the Truth
through just a fear of death necessarily. I think my intuition,
or inner wisdom that we all have, told me that the idea
of death I was taught is fundamentally wrong.

I maintain that we all intuitively know the Truth when we hear it!

And, intuitively, I believe we all know that the idea of One Ocean
of Life that keeps manifesting 'life waves' and subsiding and
manifesting 'new life waves' is right.

At least, it feels natural and right to me!

I can resonate with the reality of no seperate self and
that we are All One and, whilst we appear to be seperate
waves that have the One in us All, we are really the
One, continually expressing itself in billions of different
beings and ways.

Ron Young

More at:

Monday, April 09, 2007

Eggs, new life and new energy

What I like about Easter in Europe, at least, is the underlying message
from Pagan traditions, that the 'egg' represents new life coming,
from this Spring solstice.

Similarly, Christianity celebrates the Resurrection and new life.

I feel the sap and energy rising everywhere, in all species.

It's a good time in this part of the world :-)

More at:

Friday, April 06, 2007

Loving Wisdom is wise loving

Loving wisdom is recognising that we all need to love and be loved,
regardless of the way we may appear to the world at times, and
regardless of the circumstances in our lives at the moment.

Loving wisdom is recognising this, and consciously trying to give
unconditional love in all we do, to everyone, until it becomes
a natural, spontaneous and unconditional act.

Wise loving!

More at:

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Unconditional Love is here and now

If you are thinking about being loving and compassionate
in the future, as good as that certainly is, it is still setting up a
future condition, so that cannot be unconditional.

Unconditional means without any condition. It means naturally
and spontaneously giving and extending, without even thinking
about it!

This can only happen, naturally and spontaneously, therefore,
in the here and now!

Cool !

More at:

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Unconditional Love - the most powerful stroke of all

Many years ago, I was taught the 'psychology of strokes'

A stroke is defined as an act, physical, emotional, or mental,
that implies the recognition of another

I learned that we can all receive and give:

positive strokes
negative strokes
neutral strokes

physical strokes
mental strokes etc

conditional strokes
unconditional strokes

... but the most powerful strokes of all, are the 'unconditional
positive strokes'. They are normally unexpected.

Unconditional Love is the greatest unconditional positive
stroke of all, with no thought at all of receiving anything
back in return, whereas conditional strokes are expecting
something back in return.

Think about it!

We live in a conditional materialistic world for much of the time,
how nice it is when we rise to the unconditional 'non-material'
world of Love

Ron Young

More at:

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Coming home and Inner Space

We often hear people tell us, when visiting a place, sometimes
for the first time, that they have 'come home'.

Perhaps it is a sort of spiritual resting place, or a place where we
are supposed to be.

Today, I walked from my son's home in Cambridge UK, into the
City centre. Down to the river, across Jesus common and across to
St Johns college and on the Kings college. It took just 28 minutes.

Several years ago, I had a dream that I would be walking from a
house directly to the Canbridge colleges. So it was today.

What's even more remarkable, is that I also had a vision,
several years ago, of my being in another house in Cambridge,
right opposite Kings college, meditating on the second floor,
overlooking the college.

Imagine the sense of synchronicity I felt when, right opposite
Kings college, literally, is a three story house. The ground floor
is the 'Inner Space' meditation centre shop. The first floor is
a meeting room and the top floor is a Meditation centre!

Today, I felt I had come home!

('Inner Space' is the Cambridge centre for the international spiritual
organisation, Brahma Kumaris.

More at: