Again, it is a universal Truth that all of humanity goes through a first
experience of, what we perceive at the time to be, violence and brutality.
Of course, the circumstances and our reactions to them will vary
enormously, but the first impact is still there.
For me, as a child of around 7 years, I vividly remember watching the
television set at home and seeing a documentary of the Nazi
concentration/death camps from world war II.
I was simply horrified to the core to see lots of dead bodies being
thrown into large open trenches.
The experience has never left me. How could anybody do that.
Similarly, I have seen so many instances, from childhood to the
present day, where people have been executed.
I remember film from Vietnam of a soldier pointing a gun to the
head of a kneeled prisoner, and then executing him. And much more.
Even fictitious thrillers that involved people being hung at the gallows,
or going to the guillotine, or convicted murderers on death row, or
fighting with gladiators, or burnt at the stake, just horrify me beyond
Even my school friends thought I was wacky to not like the violence
in films about cowboys and indians. Today, I still refuse to watch any
TV or film that is violent!
I have never been able to understand such violence between human beings!
I sort of understand violence and killing in the animal kingdom as
the law of nature, and necessary for survival, but I don’t even like to
watch this either.
I don’t even like arguments and confrontations, although I have to
say that I continue to argue and get caught in confrontations, even
to this day. I must keep working on this.
Yet, on a daily basis, following global news on TV and the newspapers,
we are bombarded with rape, knife killings, shootings and muggings.
Daily, we hear of bombings and shootings of soldiers and innocent
civilians in wars around the world!
Such suffering. Such violence and such brutality. And we are now
in the 21st century!
To me, all life is sacred. It is a supreme gift. Life is a miracle. We are
all each others family.
How can anybody contemplate harming another being, let alone
inflict violence, brutality and even killing?
I wonder how much this first encounter with violence and brutality
affected my desire to seek the Truth and to want to see the
development of spiritual values of unconditional love and compassion,
forgiveness, peace, wisdom, purity and happiness.
Do you remember your first encounter with violence and brutality?
Namaste! I salute the divinity in you.
Namaste! I salute the divinity in One and All
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