Imagine, just for a moment, that we are all One.
Imagine that reality and Truth is Oneness.
Imagine that we will all realise that one day
All beings, living and non-living, from gases, minerals,
plants, micro-organisms, insects, animals and human beings,
all flowing as parts of ONE Planetary organism. One large soup.
And that is just a perspective for Planet Earth!
If you are able to, you can extend this to include all in our solar system,
or even galaxy or Universe as ONE creative intelligent being.
Imagine, if we all knew this to be true, we would immediately realise that:
- harming any being is really harming ourselves - eventually there
could be no violence.
- allowing extreme poverty, hunger and suffering is really suffering
ourselves - eventually there could be no poverty, hunger and suffering.
- not achieving universal primary education, in any part, is really not
educating ourselves - eventually there could be, at least, universal
primary education
- not promoting gender equality and empowerment for women,
anywhere, is really not promoting equality and empowerment
for ourselves - eventually there could be no inequality or
- not promoting the best and fastest way to combat HIV / AIDS
maleria and other diseases, is really keeping ourselves diseased
and - eventually there could be faster and more effective solutions
to disease.
- not ensuring environmental sustainability in any part of the world
is really not ensuring our own environmental sustainability
so - eventually there could be global environmental sustainability
- not developing an effective global partnership for development
is really not communicating with ourselves - eventually we could
be All communicating as One.
So, by simply realizing that we are truly One, would immediately
provide us with a new set of global ethics, a new perspective of
who we really are, a new Self .......
..... and the reality of One would be the solution to everything,
starting with some key Millenium Development Goals.
Can we achieve this realisation before 2015?
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