Now here is an interesting riddle.
Recently, I was lecturing at Cranfield School of Management, and talking to the group about the power of a part of the brain, known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in helping us achieve better results. see
A delegate came up to me afterwards and told me to look at two films that also explained this in other terms. One was called 'The Secret', a film about the Law of Attraction, and the other was called 'What the Bleep - Down the Rabbit Hole'.
I found both films extraordinary and totally fascinating.
For the first time, I heard scientists, quantum physicists, medical practitioners,
religious leaders, personal development teachers and mystics all talk about the reality of Oneness and our illusion of separated beings as a main cause for most of our world problems.
So that was really great to see and hear.
Then a thought more about the Law of Attraction from scientific, religious and spiritual values perspectives.
I decided to meditate and to focus on those things that I really wanted to happen in my life. It sounds very cheesy, but I simply imagined a few obvious material things like a wonderful Tudor Manor House, teaching in a training complex in the South of France, a Mercedes convertible etc. You know, the normal western material dreams.
Then,it happened. All at once, all these things appeared in my life. Or, at least, I was very conscious of them all appearing, even though they had been around for a long time. My wife and I were invited by friends into their wonderful Tudor Manor House, an old work colleage invited us to their new learning village conference centre and complex in Provence, South of France, my son in law took me for a ride in his Mercedes convertible etc
Of course, we do not own them, but they all appeard for us to experience and enjoy.
Then I thought, well at least we are near to these things.
Then I thought further. If we are really all One, and not separated beings,
then I really do have all these things instantly, albeit through other parts of my larger Self. Also, no doubt, as the Quantum Physicists taught me, there are infinite potential possibilities in our Universe, so I could see 6.5 billion people as potential experiences and possibilities that I could share experiences with in order to create my Universe.
So maybe the Law of Attraction does provide us with our wants in many different ways.
So, 'One, has it all, now!'
I guess I now need to focus on the illusory separated 'me', this small part of the Oneness, owning and continually experiencing what I already own in Truth and in the wholeness. So,I choose what I want to experience from the Universal catalogue that already exists now. The spectrum of experiences in this world covers everything from suffering to happiness. My creativity allows me to observe events, circumstances and conditions that I choose. The more people in this world there are, the more it gives us all a much larger external Self to experience. Is that the paradox?
I am probably going insane, but who cares, and it's an amusing riddle anyway.
If we are really One, then those people in the world who believe in separate selves are not that sane either?
Ron Young
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