I had an interesting insight early this morning.
I guess it is because I have been reading so much lately
about Quantum Theory and how its laws explain the workings
of the Universe.
If the mind of the observer is the enabler of action.
If the mind can influence sub-atomic mattter (eg electrons)
If organisations like NASA and British Aerospace are all looking
for ways to tap in to the vast energy sources that exist in
the unknown, unmanifest, invisible, Universe, to bring about,
for example, teleporting to any part of the Universe,
....then maybe the only way we will all experience 'teleporting'
through enabling our minds, is through a paradigm of Universal Oneness?
Because Oneness implies total interconnectivity of all, then, as observers
and thought creators, we need to fully understand, or at least,
fully believe in, the laws of Universal Oneness.
The suggestion here is that once humanity has adopted the new
paradigm of Oneness as accepted mainstream thinking, that it will
then be possible to bring about new phenomena that goes beyond
time and space (which may only be a construct for nothingness to
exist in a dualistic world).
Then teleporting to other parts of the Universe,telepathy etc will be
possible, commonplace, and the next major form of transport for humanity.
I remember in my writings of 1991, in my short story 'Christopher and the
Knowledger', which was a simple outpouring of what I considered to be
naturally creative thoughts, insights and natural and spontaneous
writing, that I referred to this, at the time, as 'Cosmic Molecular
Transference'. Phew!
Beam me up Scotty!!!
Ron Young
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