Monday, December 07, 2009

Perfect reality can start with OM

Today in meditation

If I am trying to develop and express the ideal of perfection in my daily life, a good start could be to practice and express the sound OM (AUM) as best I can, as near to perfection as I can?

Thats how the Universe started, insn't it?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Personal or Impersonal God?

I have been grappling with the different beliefs and perspectives concerning a personal or impersonal God, God within and God without.

I do not need to fully state the arguments here, as they are quite well known for those who believe in a God, but, in essence, many believe that God is personal, and will be aware and know them personally, and guide and care for them.

The opponents to this make the claim that if God were personal, why does God allow mass destruction and terrible tragedies to seemingly innocent and God loving/fearing people.

Alternatively, many believe that God is an overall impersonal universal energy that exists for us to connect to, understand and work with/through, hopefully in harmony to Gods universal laws.

I like and certainly support the latter belief, at least, and of course, I would gain great comfort from the former belief, so I try to test my thinking and experiences on both.

So I start off with the notion of one universal energy, present everywhere, which is creative and intelligent,knowing all, or if you prefer, you may chose the words omnipotent and omniscient.

This one universal creative intelligence is part, if not the heart, of every atom. So, not only is it in the spaces, so to speak, of the universe, but it is within every living cell, and atomic/molecular structure as well, at least. So this creative intelligence is in every form of matter and life that we know, including, of course, ourselves.

So, in simple terms, we are all part of, and our essence is made from, God stuff.
Maybe we are divinity within, but have no awareness of this. Indeed, many believe we are sinners, even 'worms of the earth' and we need to repent our sins. Yet, I simply love the Hindu greeting 'nameste' "I salute the divinity in you".

We have apparent freedom of thought and, therefore, choice of action and behaviour.

We can choose to believe that God is without and that we are needing to win Gods favour. In this case, I believe we think we are separate to God and, probably, that we are separate beings on this planet.We have no awareness of, or a sense of God connecting within.

And we can choose to believe that God is within and that we are connected and, a part of, God and our awareness turns inward and towards feeling, thinking and acting according to Gods inner laws.

I certainly think and feel God within. It's my enlightenment if you will. I feel this everyday and, wherever I am on this planet, whenever. I feel the same inner presence. Because I believe this for me, I also believe and see this in everyone. So I get a sense of God within everywhere.I also, therefore, get the sense that we are all connected as One, and that One is God. Some strive for this Oneness in different ways, in relationships, in striving for perfection whatever.

But evil, to me, is simply a major error in not 'knowing and feeling' this.
We are then not acting according to Gods laws but to our own illusions. This is true 'spiritual ignorance'.From this, develops greed, scarcity, fear and wrong actions and behaviours (some even horrific).

And error and/or tragic accident is simply not acting according to universal laws, perhaps in pure innocence, perhaps in unfortunate error, and we need to understand these universal truths.

So I think and feel that:

If we know an inner God, present in all, that is simply great
If we know an inner God, present in all, and as One, and if we act in harmony with this inner God and the good of all, that is perfect.

In this perfection, I believe that God can then be considered within and without, personal and impersonal.

Does this help? Does this confuse more? What do you say?

Ron Young

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

percieved nothing - known everything

After contemplating and meditating, I felt compelled to write

'I have put you in this position of perceived nothing,
so that you will certainly learn, know and experience
that you are, in reality, everything'

Thats interesting

Ron Young

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Open Knowledge

Spiritual traditions are noted for providing and sharing as much spiritual knowledge as they can, at no cost.

I read today of another retreat centre that offers a 10 day Vipassana Meditation programme, free of any cost, even food and accomodation. What they hope for, is reasonable donations to enable them to continue this noble work.

It struck me today, working in the global knowledge economy, in the area of knowledge management, that the model increasingly used on the Web is free open source knowledge.

If we take Wikipedia, for example, they also rely totally on volunteer work and donations to continue.

Is there much more of a connection between these same financial models of spiritual knowledge and organizational knowledge than I realise?


Ron Young

Monday, June 08, 2009

Inner mastery is 'being'

Early this morning I awoke to a feeling, or a glimpse of, inner mastery.

I felt that I was the decider of what I think. I can look at life, even in
very adverse external conditions,in a positive and noble way.In this frame of mind,
I could envisage miracles as normal daily occurences.

Or I could choose a more pragmatic, realistic, even negative way of thinking.

For example, I was so glad and thankful to be able to enjoy the daily miracles of
seeing, of hearing, of smelling, tasting, touching and feeling. In this positive frame of mind, everything is so beautiful. Even moreso, I was so glad and thankful that I can think noble thoughts, even global thoughts for one and all. I also felt so unconditionally feeling and positive and loving.

The alternative is to take for granted, or even ignore the daily miracles of life.
The alternative is to stop striving for growth and stop aiming towards perfection.

I feel that I am starting to realise an inner mastery, where I choose to listen to a stronger inner voice than the voices outside. I am told that this inner driven force or energy is 'being', as opposed to too much external 'doing'?

Ron Young

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Look to this day for it is the very life of life

From the Sanskrit:

"Look to this day for it is life, the very life of life.

In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence;
the bliss of growth; the glory of action; the splendor of beauty;
for yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision:
but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day!"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Live to see more than is seen

Here's a thought.

We live based on what we believe. For many of us, our beliefs are based on what we can see, hear, feel, touch and taste (our physical senses).

But what if we also believe that there is something much greater than what we can sense? In this case, our beliefs will be based on our 'sixth sense'.

When we believe something, we see it.

The first case is based on beliefs that are formed primarily from sensing the apparent 'external' world.

The second case is based on beliefs that are formed primarily from sensing the apparent 'internal' world.

Can you see that the world is round and not apparently flat?
Can you hear the dog whistle in the apparent silence?
Can you feel global oneness in apparent separation?

What are you? Are your beliefs predominantly from an internal or external

Ron Young

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Superconsciousness

In all my contemplations and meditations, over the years,
I keep coming back to the Superconsciousness.

I like the notion of the Conscious part of us having an objective
focus on the external finite physical world that is partially
perceived, as best it can, by the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling,
touching, tasting etc.Yet recognizing its inability to
comprehend all of reality. i.e it sees a flat world when we
know it is round.

I like the notion of the Subconscious part of us having a
subjective focus on the internal infinite non-physical world within.
I like the idea that it is connected to the infinite universal mind.

I still see the Superconscious part of us that has a perfect ideal,
a perfect seed, that is there for us to better access and bring
in to manifestation in both our subconscious mind first, and then
into our conscious mind, and eventually in manifestation physically.

I guess I seee it as the perfect DNA that all life refers to, to
help us evolve towards perfection.

Ron Young

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Primary Cause is Loving Wisdom

Take anything in life. Take anything that has been,
is now, and will be.

If you examine the primary cause you will discover
that, ultimately, it leads to unconditional love and
wisdom, as its root.

Think about anything. Contemplate the immediate cause
that led to the effect, then the cause that led to the
immediate cause etc. Keep going back until there is
nowhere else to go, because, you will have arrived at
Love and Wisdom, or Creative Intelligence if you prefer.

So, if you wish to create anything. Start with unconditional
love, be of maximum service, give. Your certain knowledge
and total faith will unfold the wisdom.

Ron Young

Monday, February 02, 2009

I feel like the captain of an airliner

During Mindfulness of Breathing this morning I contemplated the body,
the feelings, the mind, and the Dhamma.

I suddenly felt that my body was like the body of an Airbus
A380 aircraft. It contained all the sophisticated wiring, as
its nervous system. It contained all the systems and processes
for seating,eating,toilets,entertainment etc, as the organs
of the body. It contained all the communication and navigation
systems, like the eyes and ears and voice. It contained large
engines under the wings, like our lungs and muscles. It contained
wings as arms and undercarriage as legs, to transport me.

It contained lots of people watching movies, eating,drinking,
talking, walking and sleeping, as the heart of the system, and
it contained the cockpit, with sophisticated computers and
controls, and a flight team, and me.

I felt that the real I, the self, was a tiny part at the
top of the head, that had the power and duty to direct and
control this vast complex and extraordinary body, as best
I could.

The body complete, like the airliner, or spaceship, or any complex
machine, uses resources from nature and, after a while,
it will deteriorate and eventually die and return to the
earth to be recycled and to be reused in the future.

The I within, doesn't seem like an I at all, but it is as
if it's a droplet of the total ocean temporarily experiencing
the grandness of it all, and developing itself?

Ron Young

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Everything that you could possibly want or need is here.
It's in the here and now. And it always was.But the whole
is to be found in both the inner here and now, and, as well
as, and not just from, the external here and now.

The only problem you have, if you are not fully awake, is that
you only see that part of the whole that you believe.

For example, if you really believe that the world is predominantly
a dangerous place, you will certainly project that, and you will
selectively perceive the dangers that exist in that view of the world.
What you see will reinforce what you believe.

If you really believe that the world is predominantly a loving
and peaceful place, you will certainly project that, and you will
selectively perceive the love that exists in that view of the world.
What you see will reinforce your belief.

If you are not fully awake to the moment, if you are not Mindful,
you will experience 'selective perception'.

Being Mindful is having total perception (true knowledge) in the
here and now.

Then you will certainly realise that state, and you will see and know
that 'All is One and One is All'

When you only see a part, good or bad, you will not be satisfied.
You will not be fulfilled. Fulfillment comes with seeing the One
and All.

Ron Young

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Law of Attraction within

In the world of separation (which is an illusionary world) we talk
about the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that thoughts will correlate with objects
in the external world and, under the right conditions of the law,
manifest as those objects.

This desire to be attracted, to move towards, is a form of love and
therefore this is Law of Attraction is also sometimes called the Law of Love.

In Truth, (without the illusion of separation)in Oneness, where there
is no separation whatsoever, only total interconnectivity between all in both the internal and external worlds, we are already that object that we think,
or become conscious of, here and now. In Truth, in our minds, we have
total faith that we have it here and now. We have total faith,
certain knowledge, that we are One. We are the object and the object is us.
We have taken rightful ownership of our true inheritance.

So it is then just a matter for the high vibrationary thought to
slow down into the lower vibratory external physical time and space,
and materialise.

The Law of Attraction, perceived within the illusionary world,
states that Love is everywhere, omnipresent, and is the cause of
pulling and organising electrons into atoms, then molecules, then
substances and physical objects.

Universal knowledge teaches us that we are already that in reality,
in higher vibrating dimension. And lower vibrating dimension objectivity
is simply visible evidence of the cycle of manifestation in action.

The Law of Love, in the real world, is based on Creative Intelligence within,
that is One and All. It knows the physical is simply the same thought isn a different state of vibration/manifestation. There is no time and space in
Oneness, but our physical senses can only see it that way. (Maya)

Go beyond the physical senses to the higher sense, the sixth sense,
the inner or third eye, and absorb the state of Oneness. Be in Creative Intelligence. That is being in God. That is 'I and the Father are One'.
That is Right Thinking.

Ron Young

Our thoughts can be right or wrong

Our thoughts, compared to the absolute Truth, can be right or wrong.

We can choose our thoughts. We can choose Absolute Truth, by knowing or by accident. It is, here and now, and always was so.We think in harmony with the Truth.
When we think and our thought is infused with unconditional love, we are Right Thinking. We are in harmony with Oneness.

This is doing Gods work.
This is working in harmony with Creative Intelligence.
This is Supreme Philosophy. This is Godness.
This is Budha Mind.
This is being 'back home'
This is We.

Ron Young

Imagining your Ideals of Perfection

I see imagining the 'ideal' as perfectly natural.

The 'ideal' is, if you like, the perfect seed. To help us evolve in the external visible world to that of the internal invisible world.

Achieving that perfect state within, here and now, may be said to be Nirvana.
Achieving that perfect state without, eventually, through a slower natural evolution, may be said to be achieving Heaven on Earth.

I see imaging the ideal, the perfection, within, to be practising, and even accelerating the human and planetary evolution towards perfection.

That is nature, naturally, at work. That is Creative Intelligence at work.
That is what we are to do. That is Right Thinking. That is Right Doing.

Ron Young

Friday, January 16, 2009

What is ...simply is

We can pretend that what is, isn't. But it is.
What is, simply is.

For a while we perceive things the way we choose to
Then we realise that the Truth is the Truth, beyond perception.

Then we realise that there really is no choice,
Other than to be in harmony with what is, in reality and Truth.

Oh how much time we could save, by not learning and pretending
with false perceptions.
But, then again, time is life and
Life is ..isn't it?

Ron Young

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The role of Knowledge and even Global Knowledge Management

Whilst in India, I was recommended to read

'The Guru of Joy' Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
and the Art of Living
. I read the book on the flight home to London.

“Meditation is seeing God in yourself
Love is seeing God in the person next to you
Knowledge is seeing God everywhere”

Brilliant. If Knowledge is Divine, it makes me feel especially good in
my professional work with Knowledge and Global Knowledge Management.

This can be seen at:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Walking Meditation

Today, I did a 20 minute walking meditation alone, in the grounds of Maneque, SW France.

I started, whilst walking slowly throughout, by just focusing on what I could see.
I saw many objects, trees, shrubs, grass, hills, sky, clouds, houses, fields, tree lined lanes etc.

I moved from seeing objects to also seeing colours. The beautiful yellow shining sun, the cool blue sky with white clouds. The green grasses, the brown and silver trees. The dark earth. Shades of green and brown. Shades of sun light intensity.

I then moved focus to what I could hear. I heard my footsteps in the grass, the slight rustling of the wind, a bird squaking, a distant dog bark, the sound of my hands touching the shrubs.

I heard my own voice internally communicating with me and infinity.

I then focused on what I could touch. There was so much. It felt as if I was communing with the plants, trees and shrubs.I should have hugged some trees, and not just stroked them - I love the energy.

I then focused on what I could smell and what I could taste. I could smell the fresh mind, the incredible lavendar and several other extraordinary herbs that my wife knows by name, but I do not. Maybe marjoram and thyme and definitely basil.

I then realised the majesty of the all. I then became aware of all the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting etc. So overpoweringly beautiful.

Such simplicity, to walk and become far more aware, through all the senses, of the here and now, of the incredible Creative Intelligence.

Oh yes, I saw and felt a bud already, in January. Everything is alive and growing, it's just that we do not see it, as we normally live at such a fast pace.

The peace that passeth all understanding comes to mind. I know not why. But I sense a transcendence to true reality.I salute the Divinity in One and All. I feel such connection.

Next time I do a walking meditation, I may hum and chant too.

Ron Young

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Enjoy Truth and Ultimate Cause

Here's a mind blowing thought:

Truth is the highest vibration in the Universe
and, therefore, is the ultimate cause of everything

So, if we can raise our vibration into Truth, even
momentarily, then we can enjoy ultimate cause.

Ron Young