Sunday, April 01, 2007

Coming home and Inner Space

We often hear people tell us, when visiting a place, sometimes
for the first time, that they have 'come home'.

Perhaps it is a sort of spiritual resting place, or a place where we
are supposed to be.

Today, I walked from my son's home in Cambridge UK, into the
City centre. Down to the river, across Jesus common and across to
St Johns college and on the Kings college. It took just 28 minutes.

Several years ago, I had a dream that I would be walking from a
house directly to the Canbridge colleges. So it was today.

What's even more remarkable, is that I also had a vision,
several years ago, of my being in another house in Cambridge,
right opposite Kings college, meditating on the second floor,
overlooking the college.

Imagine the sense of synchronicity I felt when, right opposite
Kings college, literally, is a three story house. The ground floor
is the 'Inner Space' meditation centre shop. The first floor is
a meeting room and the top floor is a Meditation centre!

Today, I felt I had come home!

('Inner Space' is the Cambridge centre for the international spiritual
organisation, Brahma Kumaris.

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