Saturday, April 21, 2007

Letter to the UN Secretary General concerning Oneness

Today, I felt compelled to write to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary
General of the United Nations and urge him to consider how
the realisation of Global Oneness could have a major effect
on achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals.

A copy of the letter is enclosed below.

If you are in agreement with what I say, and my request for
the UN to now urgently consider this, I respectfully ask you to
register your agreement too.

More at:

Ban Ki-moon
United Nations First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY10017 USA
21st April 2007
Dear Secretary-General,

The real solution beyond the 8 Millennium Development Goals

For the past 14 years, as a knowledge management consultant
based in Cambridge UK, I have helped individuals, teams,
organisations and global communities better harness, create, share
and apply their collective knowledge.

Most recently, I have assisted UN agencies concerned with
eradicating extreme poverty, and concerned with global
biodiversity and conservation for a sustainable planet.

This involves the development of radically new knowledge
strategies, processes, systems and global web centric technologies.

More importantly, it requires new thinking and cultures, based on
our new global knowledge working capabilities to better collaborate
and work as one.

This work gave me a very special insight indeed into the work of
the UN from a global knowledge management perspective.
I think this may be a new perspective. And, therefore, I feel
compelled to share it with you.

As a result, I have now realised, at the age of sixty, that, in my
humble opinion, the United Nations is missing the most important
goal of all, and it is in itself the only real solution to all the eight
established MDGs. In its continued absence, the MDGs may never
be fully realised.

This goal fully embraces and transcends all religions and non
religions and belief systems.

It is:

‘To develop a universal education of our true reality ’

The only real answer to the world’s problems and sufferings, and
at least the MDGs, is a proper understanding of who we really are.
Global science and technologies are starting to demonstrate this.

Historically, we have got it wrong through inadequate knowledge
and education.

With the greatest respect, the majority of people in the world are
living in fear and an illusion at worst, and living in doubt with partial
knowledge at best, about our true reality.

This is why the manifest world of violence, selfishness and suffering
will continue to be a reflection of our wrong thinking until we correct

Science and technology can now demonstrate the truth that we are
all One in reality. Despite misleading physical appearances of
separation, we have known for many years that we are not the
separate physical body.

The ongoing life force of humanity uses separate bodies but is, in
fact, one underlying entity of which we are all interconnected and

The science and technologies emerging in the 21st Century are now
demonstrating what the ancient wisdom has been trying to teach us
for centuries.

A major shift in thinking now has to emerge about our true identity.

I believe this was first made explicit in the Vedas and Upanishads
of India several thousand years ago; this is hidden or obscurely stated,
and not well understood, in most major world religions and spiritual
traditions; this can now be glimpsed and much better understood
through the emerging Web 3.0 and wireless technologies towards
a more meaningful and collective global mind; and this can now be
taught and more easily understood to all ages and all cultures.

Think, just for a moment, about the enormous impact and the
major social and economic implications for the world by
understanding and applying this truth.

In this new way of thinking there would be an immediate impact
on global ethics. This would immediately impact world terrorism,
general violence and all forms of crime. There would be an
immediate impact on extreme poverty and hunger, primary
education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health,
HIV/AIDS, and other diseases, environmental sustainability
and global development partnerships.

All that is required is for people to think differently about who
we really are.

Once people realise that, in fact, we are one underlying
entity of which we are all interconnected and interdependent,
and not separate beings, an immediate change in belief will
immediately change our attitudes, performance and behaviours.

This is not religion. This is a paradigm shift in our thinking as a
result of new knowledge.

This sounds simple, but you know much better than I that it
requires new effort, policy and action. It requires, at least,
education, education and more education!

May I respectfully beg you to consider this further? We are
all living in a privileged time when the increasingly rapid global
knowledge sharing that is taking place, through global
communications, collaboration and continuous learning
technologies will bring about this paradigm shift and quantum
leap in our human evolution in the foreseeable future.

But we need global leadership and facilitation of this major
event for humankind now.

We need the United Nations to now consider this further, and
to understand and act on this.

The last great challenge is to enable the countries of the
world to work together as one, globally, in providing a universal
education of our true reality, and let it be delivered in culturally
acceptable ways locally.

The UN strives for universal primary education for all in
underdeveloped areas. But I respectfully suggest that what we
really need now is universal primary spiritual knowledge and
education for all areas of the advanced, developed and
underdeveloped world areas.

There is much suffering throughout the entire world today,
based purely on spiritual poverty!

I propose that it is timely for the UN to develop something like
a Universal Declaration of Global Human Identity.

Naturally, I would be delighted to expand on this thinking to
anyone at any time.

My primary interest in life is to try to contribute, as best I can,
to this understanding, and to the better use of rapidly emerging
global knowledge networks and supporting technologies, that are
moving us all towards an awareness and understanding of an
increasingly interconnected and interdependent humanity, at one
with itself.

I sincerely hope that you might consider further how this one goal
is absolutely critical to the fulfilment of the eight Millennium goals.

Respectfully yours,
Ron Young

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