The Ancient Sages and Yogis have taught for many years that there are several degrees, or states, of awareness leading towards a fully realised awakened and enlightened state.
They would spend years in 'forest academies' (and still do) to learn to apply spiritual disciplines that lead to these higher states of consciousness.
What a colossal gamble to take! What great trust they must have placed in their teachers!
They propose that we are all familiar with the three states of 'dreamless sleep', dreaming and being awake. They propose that we are not really fully awake but in a lower state of awareness, and that we are still in a sort of dream state. They propose that we can all discipline and train ourselves to lift our states to a fourth and higher state of mindfulness and total awareness of the true reality of the 'here and now'. They propose that we can, through meditation, reach higher states of consciousness and even receive insights and/or higher intuitions. They propose that we will enjoy more peaceful and happy states and become more loving and compassionate towards our fellow beings.
What is nice is that they ask us not to take their word for it at all. In fact, they welcome constructive doubt and challenge. Rather, they ask us to simply try and see if it 'works for you'.
Many years ago, I thought I would try. And it works for me! How about you?