We try too hard to become someone or something else.
If we set a goal, it is normally because we are not happy
with the present state and we want to be in a better state.
Sometimes that is very good. But not all the time!
Why not set a goal to have no goals for a while and imagine instant success instead?
Imagine being totally happy and content with who you are and what you are!
Imagine simply being, in the flow, and becoming whatever you always were!
Imagine unconditional love and compassion, peace and wisdom as simply being!
Kofi Annan says "We will have time to reach the Millenium Development Goals (which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015) - worldwide and in the most, or even all, individual countries - but only if we break with business as usual."
Is 'breaking with business as usual', simply thinking differently. Is it thinking and deciding to be and to do something here and now instead of setting a goal for the future?
I wonder if simply being what we all really are, right here, right now, would eradicate world poverty any sooner?
I wonder if simply being what we all really are, right here, right now, would eradicate our perceived lack for our selves too?
Imagine! Let it be! Where have I heard those words of wisdom before :-)