Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Inner and outer directed energy?

Are you more inner or outer directed?

Think, for a moment, how much time and effort you place
on anticipating and achieving external results and becoming
stressed when the external does not meet our needs and wants.
That's being outer directed. That's connecting with a limited
outer expression, and disconnecting with your true source
and power

Think, for a moment, how much time and effort you place
on connecting and communing with your inner Higher Self,
and relaxing in the certain knowledge that the inner will
manifest in the outer. That's being inner directed with an
unlimited source, and connecting with your true source and

Of course, we are both.

However, if you are more inner directed than outer directed,
your inner visions and imaginations will manifest much faster
in the external world, than if you are more outer directed.

Even if the outer experience is not good today, that's yesterdays
expression in manifestation, so master the mind and turn inward
as much as you can. Commune with inner love, peace and wisdom
- inner 'loving wisdom' - and relax in certain knowledge that this
inner experience will become our outer experience sooner.

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