Thursday, May 03, 2007

Loving Wisdom and the Mastery of Mind

For some time, I have realised that the infinite inner power
within, call it creative intelligence, or Higher Self, or God,
is infinitely abundant and keeps coming through us all.

I have realised that I will always have this power coming
through. It has not dried up, and has never been lacking
in any way at all. This happens daily. I can trust, rely and
count on this. This is the creative intelligence in action.

Therefore, it is vital that I recognise this power is coming
through, at all times, and make sure that my mind, which
is my chooser and decision maker, channels this creative
power to the right, positive things, to create for the good
of One and All.

I must guard my thoughts and mind, and ‘take mastery
of my mind’ at all times. I must transcend mind training
to Mind Mastery.

The creative force cannot help itself pouring though.
The force will always channel to what I choose.
What I think and what my mind chooses, it becomes.
In other words, I choose who, what, why, where, when,
how I give this power to.

If I choose positive things - I create positive things,
if I choose negative things, I create negative things.

I have been wrong. over the years.

I now realise more than ever before that I have given
too much of this power to external people, events,
things etc, instead of focusing on the power within as
the primary cause and the external manifestations
as a result.

By focusing too much on the external result, and not on
the true inner cause, I have continued to experienced
much separation from my true source.

First, as a child, I gave this power to authoritative people
- parents, schoolteachers, employers etc to shape my
conscious (thinking) and, ultimately, penetrate my
subconscious, (feeling) beliefs, and acting mind.

I experienced in my childhood, wrong thinking, especially
fears and deep anxieties, even traumas on occasions,of
‘separatedness’, ‘death’, ‘violence’, ‘loser’ ‘shy’ apparent
‘lack of love and intimacy’ lack of money and debt etc.

In other words, much negativity. (I guess we all have this
story to tell in one way or another)

From my teenage years, I have also given this power to alcohol.
Initially, it was to overcome ‘childhood to manhood’, shyness
and bravado, singing in a band, being one of the boys,
sexuality and physical intimacy with women, socialising.

It was, initially, a coping mechanism.

It worked in the beginning. I associated alcohol with much
pleasure (and still do). Then it became a subconscious habit
for certain times and events, and gradually, it became harmful to my health.

But alcohol is a drug that will change the natural ‘utterly positive’
and natural state of my conscious mind. This has caused my
mind to reach quick highs and then to plunge into lows.

Initially, they were no more than hangovers, but eventually, a
s the drinking continued more regularly, I would tend to think
more negatively and create negatively, after the event.

I now see that this has caused some paranoia in my mind,
sometimes deep anxiety and, on occassions, much negativity.

But this negative frame of mind keeps reproducing the
creative power and intelligence within, as negative feelings,
situations and experiences because it is ‘my will’ being satisfied.

The subconscious does not judge, it takes everything literally.

It just delivers my wants and needs.
It delivers the negatives as well as the positives.

The subconscious does not know the Truth.
It acts on everything submitted to it, as its truth.

But the 'superconscious', creative intelligence, Holy Spirit,
call it what you will does. It knows the perfect pattern for
us all. If we care to listen, trust and let go.

The Revelation

Up until this time, I felt that there was good and bad in the
real world for you and me.

This is because of living in the world of duality and opposites.

Increasingly, I learned that there are good positive thoughts
that we can cultivate and that will override any negative thoughts.

I started meditating more on loving kindness and mindfulness.

I became more mindful in all my daily actions.

So I knew, intellectually and intuitively, that the power within is
continuously and abundantly there!

I knew that my subconscious mind would carry out the
patterns of my subconscious needs and wants.

But, oh dear, with such a conscious revelation to the great
and continuously flowing power within, what if I still had
hidden negative destructive patterns in my subconscious?

I knew that the more I kept positive, the better.
I knew that if I ‘consciously’ thought of the creative intelligence
as my positive supply that, when I was conscious of this, I
would be positively creating in the external world, based on
positive thoughts

I knew this was all based on feelings and I had, from time
to time, some very strong feelings based on negative fear
(and stomach churns) in creating that reality, but also,
when ‘thankful and in gratitude’ for receiving positive
power from within, I got some good feeling also.

So things were starting to change.

A big difference for me was the affirmation:

‘I am a channel of God’ – a co-creator,

and not just ‘me’ doing this good work alone.

For me, this was a moment of Enlightenment!

I was also reminded that this inner creative intelligence,
or spirit within, is omnipresent and omniscient, so if it was
with me all the time, why was I fearing negativity and
evil, at all??

Then I read the introduction to the book ‘A Course in Miracles’
again. I have read this book several times over the years.

‘Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists’

- Herein lies the peace of God

That made me think again and very hard indeed.

It reminded me that there is just One Law of Love and

This is your true reality, your enlightenment, when you
realise that there is not really a choice in reality at all.

Truth will always be Truth.

The only choice is the time you decide/choose to realise the Truth.

But we all have an apparent choice. We can choose if we wish
to see the Truth or our own made version of the truth,
our personal beliefs.

We can choose to be ‘as God created ’(reality)
or ‘as we made ourselves’

If we choose the reality we made ourselves, then this is
not true reality, although it can certainly seem very real for us.
We can continue, for as long as we like with our own free will,
to continue to live our own illusion.

The Course in Miracles also says:

‘This is a course in miracles. It is a required course.
Only the time you take it is voluntary. Your free will does
not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means
only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time.’

This is saying the same thing.

We can choose to live in Gods Truth when we want to.
We can choose to abandon our errors and false beliefs when
we want to.

Then I put these thoughts together with my writings
around ‘Loving Wisdom’

I realised that we can, and must at some time, choose to
accept the one Law of Love and Knowledge.
That there is, in reality, only what I like to call
Loving Wisdom all around us.

But we choose.

And this choice is also based on our health (mental, emotional and physical)

So, we must purify our minds, thoughts, feelings and bodies first.

This is done through Forgiveness.

Remove the mental and emotional toxins, guilt and negativity a
round self, people and events.

Remove physical toxins when the mental and emotional are
removing (naturally you will want to remove these physical
toxins, because the primary cause of this will fall away.)

When you are enlightened to the Law of God, Love, Oneness,
Loving Wisdom, all else naturally falls away.

If we only accept Gods Law for Loving Wisdom, as the primary
cause, and reject those other externals that you have given
power to, then this is:

‘Loving the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy mind
and all thy soul’

Put no others, at all, before God as the only reality.

The true reality is that you are a son of God. We are all
sons and daughters of God. We are One and this is in All.

Then, daily, treat the subconscious, through the conscious
and ‘feel’ the One Law of Love and Wisdom enter the
subconscious thoughts, feelings and actions.

Hence, herein lies the ‘Peace’ of God.

Let the unreality ‘not exist’.

Be mindful and change.

Imagine your highest vision possible within your
consciousness to help yourself attain this state of
enlightenment, to then help your family, friends,
business associates, community and the world.

Ensure your highest vision includes total communion
within, to your higher self, at all times, and focus this
one laser beam on providing the best possible service
and value you can to One and All.

That is Mastery of Mind!

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