Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Oneness and the egoless state

It's amazing!

If I think I have thought these thoughts, spoken these words,
felt these feelings, written these words, performed these actions,
just as me - then sometimes I can feel good or bad about myself,
according to the results and my level of self confidence and self
esteem. Also, I might worry about whether what I have done is
worthy or not. It is based on my ego state.

If I just change my mind.

If I think that my Higher Self has thought these thoughts,
spoken these words, felt these feelings, written these words,
performed these actions, through me, then I will always feel
good, fulfilled and thankful and consider what has happened
through me, to be unquestionably worthy.

The same happenings, but totally different states of mind and
feelings. One concerned with the seperated ego state, and the
other concerned with the egoless state of connected Oneness.

More at: