Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Web of Life

Once again, for the third time, I am reading Fritjof Capra's
excellent book

'The Web of Life - a new synthesis of mind and matter'

He describes the evolution of our thinking to 'deep ecology'
and 'systems thinking' where the whole is greater than the
sum of the parts, and this is due, not just to a summation
of the parts, but the 'emergence of properties, relations and
interconnections' that occur in the organisms and communities
of organisms as they develop and evolve.

Not a heirarchical Universe, but 'networks within networks'.
And Quantum theory also teaches us that, at the sub-atomic
level, all become waves of energy.

That's why we will never fully understand living ecosystems
and living beings by just analysing the component parts.

Again, extraordinary thinkers of this modern age are saying
what the Ancient sages said in the East, several thousand years

Is it that the Ancient Sages intuited this, and through deep
meditation. And now the modern rational mind is catching up?

But the Indian Sages were very rational too ?

But, of course, the most important thing is not how this
extraordinary knowledge came about, and by whom,
but what it is actually teaching us about our interconnectedness.

Surely, when the Oneness of All is better understood, by many
more, there will be a major paradigm shift, and a whole new set
of global ethics will appear?

Ron Young

More at:

Monday, March 26, 2007

Abundance or scarcity, love or fear

One of the problems I am having with evaluating the 40 day
spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life
- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren,

is that I think he is in a different paradigm from me.

Let me say, straight away, that I like the underlying messages, and I
have always been more interested in the value of the messages handed
down to us, to learn and take forward, than the messenger.

So plenty of thanks for the messages in the book. We must become
'purpose driven - I agree with the 5 key purposes - there is no
other way

I am just not sure, with respect, about the paradigm, language and interpretation
of the Bible, for me.

So what paradigm am I in?

Well, amongst many sources that made me see things differently, I
recall John Randolph Price, in his 1981 New Age book 'The Super
beings' putting it well for me:

"Being overthrown is the authority which says there is an avenging and
withholding God"

He talks about the evolution of humanity to the next stage of development
in Consciousness, where the ancient metaphysical teachings from
spiritual masters, regardless of religion and messenger, are now being
better understood by millions of people.

And. to me, these messages are about finding out that we are all,
in reality, connected As One, not seperated, and we are not just our
bodies and brains, which live and die, but we are also parts of the
Universal Mind, which lives on, and that every one of us
has the potential within us to realise these truths, and express them
in our own ways. Only this understanding of our reality can lead to true
fulfillment - whatever religion or non-religion we may believe in.

So, I will keep on evaluating the 40 day spiritual journey, but focusing
more on the underlying messages than what I think is the paradigm
that is still partially rooted in that of an avengeful and witholding God?

I think this is why I resonate with the more peaceful Eastern religions
and philosophies, than the more confronting Western religions.

But the Truth is the Truth, that's for sure, from wherever it comes!

Lets see what happens.

Ron Young

More at:

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day 10 Surrender

Day 10 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose
Driven Life- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 10:

Keeping within his first of 5 Purposes,
Purpose 1 'You were planned for Gods pleasure'

Today Rick talks about surrender as the heart of worship
- not out of fear or duty, but to surrender in love.

It's interesting that, around the world, we use terms for surrender,
like consecration, making Jesus your Lord, taking up your cross,
dying to self, yeilding to the spirit

It's also frightening when Rick says that "we aren't God and never
will be. We are humans. It is when we try to be God that we end up
most like Satan, who desired the same thing"

Thats scary, and made me think!

You see I like the Buddhist notion of seeking Enlightenment, even
though Buddhists do not believe in a Creator God.

I like The Hindu notion of Yoga (yoke) or joining or Communion with
God (Krishna).

I like the notion of being a human that, in communion with the higher
Self, God, Creative Intelligence, in other words, being aligned to the
Higher Force, enables us to 'co-create', in partnership with the
higher Self.

Thats not being God, but wanting to 'be in God', or awakening to the
fact that that is what we really are, Knowing Thyself, being Enlightened.
Our only mistake is to believe we are seperated.

But another quote from Rick, that I first came across in 'A Course in
Miracles' is "love casts out all fear". That's very powerful to me.

Rick tells us that surrender is not passive resignation, or being lazy,
or dropping out, or accepting the status quo. But that it can also be
very tough to surrender.

I know that sometimes I feel I have to do what is right, as opposed to
what I want to do, and give me pleasure. I guess this could be the same.

We surrender to what we believe is right, regardless of the consequences,
- even Crucifixion!

History shows how humans will die for a principle, a flag, a belief.
The ultimate test is when life is at stake.

So, in day 10 he tells us that surrender is not an option in life,
but the only way to live.

Where am I with this?

I feel, and I am told, I am a man of principle - which I like.
I hope I do not have too much pride though. I prefer humility.

It's really tough being a family man, who has had great
responsibilities throughout life with a loving family.
It's difficule to just 'go with the flow' which I know is right,
with no regard to what that might mean.

Jesus said, follow me!

I guess I have surrendered, but get into difficulty whenever
it causes a conflict with worldly life.

I remember beight taught that in India, men would leave the
wife and family and possessions, at age 60, to become wandering
Sunyasins, to lead a completely spiritual life in the latter phase
of life. How courageous and how painful and how tough.

Rick says, you surrender in everything you think and do. In all
daily activities. All are an expression of working for God. Same task
and different attitude, thats all.

I buy that. The Zen Masters taught the same

Before Enlightenment - chopping wood, carrying water
After Enlightenment - chopping wood, carrying water.

So, yes, I surrender.

More at:

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Day 9 Smile

Day 9 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life
- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 9:

Keeping within his first of 5 Purposes, Purpose 1 'You were planned
for Gods pleasure'

Rick focuses on how we can make God smile, as the second of 7
sub- purposes within Purpose 1.

He may, or may not like this comparison, but to me he is like the
Buddha who logically categorises, and sub-categorises everything,
somewhat too uniformally, probably for the logical brain to understand?

Anyway, he talks about making God smile, as a key sub-purpose,
when we love him, when we totally trust him, when we obey him,
praise and thank him, and when we perform at our best for him
fully using our unique given and developed capabilities.

I don't have a problem with any of that, and it certainly does help
considerably to giving us a worthy purpose in life.

But it's also quite interesting to think about what Rick is saying as
God seeking, needing and getting pleasure from us?
Many spiritual traditions, especially Eastern, talk about God as complete,
whole and not needing anything at all!

Instead, they talk about infinite perfection.

That sort of seems right to me, but, having said that, if anyone smiles,
and consciously feels they are smiling for God, I guess the collective
good feeling will have increased on the material plane of collective
humanity, and maybe God has this material feel good factor too, but I
don't think it alters the immaterial, infinite plane of completeness,
or God, that is awaiting expression?

Rick quotes the Bible "The Lord looks down from heaven on all
mankind to see if there are any who are wise, who want to please God"

Hmm. I spontaneously want to say that Love is all there is
(God in expression if you like) and as Love is the positive uniting force of,
at least, humanity, if not the Universe, it will seek and attract all humans
that are conscious of their love to their creator and fellow beings.

And if 'God smiles when I trust him', I would say that when we are not
in an enlightened state, of natural communion with God, that we are not
aware of God smiling. But in a naturally enlightened state, we are then
conscious of God smiling as the eternal state.

For me, its like saying, about God smiling, that the upper sky is always
always blue, but we don't see it if we are under, or in, the clouds.

I can't relate to God not smiling, but I see /feel a sort of naturally loving
and smiling wisdom. This works for me.

I have to say, at this stage, that I am not sure if I will keep up the
40 day spiritual journey, as it is not feeling natural to me yet. Certainly
some very worthwhile stuff, and the book is certainly worthy of a good
read, and it really does help us become purpose driven at the highest level,
but I am having some difficulty with the language and terms and some
sort of cross paradigms, at the moment. Lets see what develops.

I will persevere, as the key messages are superb, and worthy of more study
and contemplation.

More at:

Friday, March 23, 2007


Day 8 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book '
The Purpose Driven Life- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 8:

I think we all suffer, some more than others, and at different times and
phases in our lives, in feeling insignificant, unworthy, unloved etc

Rick says we are so important and valuable to God, that once we fully
understand this, we will never feel insignificant again.

And he links our ability to have pleasure, through our senses, to
being made in Gods image, to enjoy!

I like the notion of enjoying the world and being thankful to your
understanding of God for it.

I also agree that a sense of worship should not be about 'how much
pleasure I got from the worship at a certain time', its not supposed
to be for our benefit, but it should be a natural, inbuilt, and
continuous part of our daily lifestyle.

Nonetheless, if you genuinely worship the right way, and if you also
enjoy the act of worshipping - that's great too!

More at:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My mantra and the Five Purposes in Life

In the late 1990's, whilst walking in the countryside near my home,
approaching the village, I suddenly started to recite within, and then

Be in God
Be you Now
Go Be Do

I seemed strange at first, ever so 'wacky' and I didn't take it too
seriously. However, something seemed right and significant at that time.

Gradually, I started to recite this more often, in my mind and
vocally, especially whilst walking, contemplating and driving my car.

Eventually, at some stages, especially in meditations, I was positively
obsessed by it.

Later, over the years, it came and it went, and sometimes it flamed up,
and sometimes it died down. Gradually, it started to settle into
a sort of backdrop into whatever I was thinking and doing.

Like a sort of computer operating system!

Over the years, this mantra has explained to me so much. It seems to
lock in to, and then explain to me, key timeless principles.

When I thought about the Five Purpose in Life, as defined by Rick Warren
in his book 'The Purpose Driven Life' I intuited:

Purpose 1: Worship God
Purpose 2: Bring Gods glory by worshiping other believers

Both relate to my mantra for One and All 'Be in God'

Purpose 3: Bring Gods glory by becoming like Christ

Relates to my mantra 'Be You Now'

Purpose 4: Bring Gods glory by serving others with our gifts
Purpose 5: Bring God glory by telling others about him

Relates to my mantra 'Go Be Do'

Am I crazy for writing this? Probably

Do I worry what others may think of this? Not any more

Why am I doing this? I can't stop myself.

More at:

Everything is God

Everything is God

Day 7 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven
Life- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 7:

Its refreshing to read a Christian pastor who talks about everything
around you, everything in nature, all beings, from tiny forms of life
to the universe, aa reflecting God in some way.

The notion of God is One and All and All is God, is monistic, and the
notion of God is a superbeing being out there, and we are down here
is dualistic.

I like the monistic view of God or Creative Intelligence, or whatever
term we use, being in everyone and everything, for all to see with
enlightened (Christ like) eyes.

I love the simple eastern gesture of 'Namaste', when monks and lay
people bring the palms of their hands together, in a prayer position,
at the heart level, and gently bow to all. It can mean

'I salute the Divinity in you'.

Such a great, respectful and humble gesture and loving words.
Worship the God within all.

As I learned one day, everyday I see God all around me, in everyone
and everything I see, hear, feel, touch, taste, smell, think and do.

Rick talks about Gods glory and quotes Jesus telling the Father

"I brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you told
me to do"

What do you live for? Your self? Others?
or yourself and others, all within Your Self?

Do we love to live or live to love?

Surely, I agree, whatever religious words we care to use, we can see
this glory all around us, especially when we are conscious of it, in all
our activities and experiences.

So I strongly agree with Gods five purposes in your life, as described
in the book.

The five purposes, in my words, which work best for me are:

Firstly, we can enjoy, even be in awe of, the loving creative intelligence
within and without, and in all creation.

Secondly, we can share this with others.

Thirdly, we can strive to become enlightened (or Christ like) ourselves

Fourthly, we can serve others by being at, and giving our best to others

Fifthly, we can teach others, and help them on their path to the same state.

This all reminds me of what I believe true healing to be.

To my mind these principles also describe a healer. A healer, and healers,
are people who temporarily have and see more (enlightened),

unconditionally and lovingly serving others by seeing it in others who
cannot see it in themselves,

and making others aware of this understanding.

I know I am being healed when others see in me what I have forgotten
or I have temporarily hidden from myself.

I hope I may heal others when I see the divinity within them, that
they may not yet see themselves.

So I bow my head to all

Namaste !

More at:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Maybe I am an Alien on Planet Earth?

Day 6 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 6:

Rick tells us that life on earth is just a temporary assignment, especially
when we compare it to eternity. And also, that we should consider planet
earth as a temporary home - our true home being elsewhere and beyond this life.

Maybe I am an alien on planet earth?

What I find interesting is the way the Christian Lords Prayer, that I was
taught at school, had the sacred feminine aspect removed from it,

I was taught at school:

'Our Father which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name'

Apparently, the original Amaraic texts say:

'Our Father which art in Heaven,
Our Mother which art in Earth,
Hallowed be thy names

This connects more with Yin and Yang,
positive and negative forces in balance etc


So I am not completely sure that I accept that our home is
entirely beyond this life and this planet earth?

I think I would prefer to accept the notion of both heaven and
earth (right and left brain hemispheres again) as part of a cycle?

But I do agree with the notion that the things we can see, here and now,
on planet earth are 'conditioned' and impermanent, and the things
we cannot see, the invisible, the 'unconditioned' may last forever.

I learned from a Sage that 'there is no true and lasting fulfillment
to be found in the finite. Lasting fulfillment can only be found in
the infinite'.

The Buddhists say, until you realise this you will suffer from
'unsatisfactoriness'., or incompletion, if you wish.

Rick quotes the Bible to say the same "We fix our eyes not on what
is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but
what is unseen is eternal".

Perhaps the greatest and most powerful point for me, for this day, is
the statement and realisation that 'true abundance' is not the same thing,
at all, as just material abundance.

I prefer a world of 'spiritual billionaires'. I seem to meet more of these
people in countries, sometimes far less developed, with rich tradition,
culture, and a strong sense of community. Even though some of them
may be experiencing severe material poverty!

Unfortunately, in many of our richer material and economically developed
countries, we have 'spiritual poverty'.

Who really needs the help??

The great news for me, is to realise that life is far more than the short span
on earth - maybe everlasting - I don't know. Does anybody really know?

As a wise person said to me recently, I would rather spend this life
happily believing there is an afterlife, and discovering there is not
- than to spend this life unhappily believing there is no afterlife, and
discovering that there is !!

More at:

Life can be a great test for those who are entrusted

Life can be a great test

Day 5 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life
- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 5:

If I have a main life metaphor, unfortunately, it would probably be the person
who is trying to keep all the plates spinning on long poles. I seem to manage to
get most of the plates spinning quite well, but there always seems to be one
or two that are wobbling, and in real danger of falling off.

It's not always the same plates, but the money and work plates seem to
wobble to most!

If the way you see your life shapes it, then my metaphor is not too good.
I would prefer an ocean beach with gently rolling waves and a nice sandy
beach. Or a still lake at the foot of a snow-capped mountain.

I also see life on earth as a test. I seem to have test after test, and they get
more intense and more challenging as I get older.

It seems to me that as you progress with spiritual maturity, that your
capabilities to affect your actions (karma) become greater, and so you can
rise or fall higher and harder.

I was once told by a Sage that as spiritual warriors climb the mountain t
hey will encounter more dangerous crevices, with longer drops,
as they get higher, and so we have to be even more aware, concentrated and
careful with our thoughts and actions. It is tempting, sometimes, to wish to
be in blissful ignorance, and live an easier life.

I believe, also, that we are all stewards of earth and that we have a duty to 'plant,
care, and do best, for the present and future generations.

Rick sums it up by saying "the more God gives you, the more responsible he
expects you to be".

So I basically agree with Day 5, that life can be a great test and we must take
full responsibility for this, even count the tests as blessings, if we can, and
also take full responsibility for that which is entrusted in us.

More at:

Monday, March 19, 2007

True Life is an endless ocean.

Day 4 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life
- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 4 are that, to me, True Life is an endless ocean.

Rick talks about this life as a dress rehearsal before the main act.

I like the analogy of waves in an ocean. From my earlier blog:

Enlightenment is becoming the ocean

I like the idea that the universe is a great ocean of life.

A great ocean is continuously producing new waves that then grow,
live for a while, and then merge back into the ocean again.
Its a non-stop process.

An ocean of life is continuously producing new 'beings' that then grow,
live for a while and then merge back into the ocean again.

The problem is that many of us believe that we are the finite waves,
with a seperate birth, life and death, instead of knowing that we are
all the vast infinite ocean itself that is continually creating and
manifesting beings in so many different ways.

One big wave, perceiving itself to be seperate and rushing towards
the see shore said to another big wave, 'we are going to crash and die'.
The other wave said, 'just relax, flow and be, and you will see how we
will all gently subside, pull back from the shore for a while, as part of
our natural cycle, and then recreate again, as new waves, later'.

This ocean metaphor comes from the Sages of the East.

I am not entirely comfortable with the Christian view that we can only
come to know and commune with God through his only son, Jesus.
And those that reject Jesus's love, forgiveness, and salvation, will
spend eternity apart from God altogether?

That implies that we have to 'convert' those that may choose to worship
God, the Creative Intelligence, the One and All, as Hindu's, Muslims,
Buddhists or whatever, for their salvation.

I prefer to simply strive to become more Christlike, Allahlike, Krishnalike,
Buddhalike, etc. God is God and we are all equally his sons and daughters.

It should be inclusive, not exclusive.
We should not convert anybody but share our truths with one another so that
individuals can develop and change their thoughts and beliefs themselves.

What I think we all really need is to identify these common underlying
spiritual, timeless, changeless principles, and all work together, in our
chosen religions, non-religions and other spiritual paths, to manifest them
for the good of all beings.

Surely, no one religion can be only absolutely right and all the others totally wrong?

True 're-ligion' is a personal experience that goes way beyond labels.

I do like it when Rick says "the closer you live to God, the smaller everything
else appears". I guess that ego and self start to vanish when we are faced
with Self.

On his discussion about eternity and here and now, I think of the two
hemisheres of the brain again.

The right brain can only deal with eternity and infinity. It is timeless.
The left brain can only deal with past, present and future.

The wholebrain works with both eternity and here and now.

I love the notion of continually pulling eternity into the here and now.

That's why stewardship has to be the best form of leadership. We all need
to become self stewards and self leaders of everything we see.

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What is that force that is driving our lives? Is it purpose?

Day 3 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life - what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

What is that force that is driving our lives? My insights from Day 3 are:

To me, a sense of purpose, especially a sense of shared purpose, is one of the key
drivers in life. I wish I could have been in the team at NASA when they first put man on the moon.

People tell me that if they have experienced being in a truly synergistic and high
performing team, that they spend the rest of their lives trying to find another one!
Perhaps this is a clue to our true identity that we are, in reality, One and all.

To me, a sense of Oneness with all, perhaps a connection at a higher level, gives us
a sense of ultimately shared purpose! And, most importantly, makes us naturally
want to serve each other. Just imagine, if everybody felt this Oneness, how could
there then be any killing, brutality or even crime!

A great quote from the book is "You weren't put on earth to be remembered.
You were put here to prepare for eternity"

What a paradigm shift that is! Instead of looking at our lives as the 'be all and end all'
we can consider our earthly lives as a much smaller part of, perhaps, everlasting life.

Again I am reminded that our greatest limitation is the limiting beliefs we impose on

If you change the beliefs - you immediately change the performance!

Finally, from day 3, I would say that I agree with Rick when he talks about
living on purpose leading to peace. I know that I am far more peaceful and
content when I feel connected to the whole and when I think and feel that
it is my purpose to help others who may not yet see their true reality.

I always enjoy lecturing young and enthusiastic MBA students, who like to
challenge some of our commonly held beliefs in life, especially when we all
get an 'aha' together.

More at:

Who am I? - I am

Before I share my insights from Day 2 of the 40 day spiritual journey, I thought I would share my insights on answers to the key questions in life

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What's my meaning and purpose?
What's the meaning and purpose of the Universe?

These are questions asked by the logical mind (left hemisphere of the brain).
The left hemisphere will logically analyse and ask 'what, who, where, when, how, why'.

The right hemisphere of the brain cannot analyse and break things into parts, but it is diametrically opposed to the left hemisphere, and therefore synthesizes into 'wholes'.
It cannot deal with 'what, who, where, when, how, why'

As it is opposite, its good to see how it would deal with the same questions, in opposition, back to front, reversed, and eliminating the questioning words:

Who am I? becomes 'I am' (or Aum or OM or Amen)
Why am I here? becomes 'Here I am'
What's my meaning and purpose? become 'My purpose is to understand my meaning'
What's the meaning and purpose of the Universe? become 'The Universe is purpose and meaning)

Once we understand that the Universe is purpose and meaning, and that our purpose is to understand our purpose and meaning, we realise that, here we will understand what we are, and that is that we are part of the same Universal purpose and meaning.

It's no good just saying to you 'Does that make sense?', as that is a logical 'sensible' thing to say, and we need to add to it the, perhaps, illogical and senseless aspect too - to get to the Truth.

Are you with me?

If you are interested in more of this, you can now download my free e-book 'Christopher and the Knowledger' which talks about answers to the meaning of life at:

Day 2 Spiritual Journey - The Purpose Driven Life

(This last part of the daily blog posting is to record and share my insights and experiences from conducting the 40 day spiritual journey, from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, as I do it)

Day 2 of 40

Rick tells us that we are not an accident. I totally agree for the reasons above.

"Long before you were conceived by your parents, conceived in the mind of God"

I love this because it also reminds me of an ancient Zen Masters saying that I wrote about in one of my earlier blogs last year 'Enlightenment is seeing your face before your parents were born'

In Christopher and the Knowledger we also talk about how every human being is part of a perfect Universal plan, so I like the poem by Russell Kelfer, quoted in the book, that starts with:

"You are who you are for a reason
You're part of an intricate plan"

So the truth is the truth, however it manifest itself. We are so lucky to simply enjoy the magic of the truth, as it appears from everybody, all the time. It can manifest in a great spiritual book, poem, sutra, song or even a tv soap episode or a Google Adserve!

So, yes, I agree, we are naturally purpose driven, and we must find our purpose and express ourselves for the benefit of ourselves and all others. We cannot be accidents.

When we are in the flow - we will know.

More at:

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Purpose Driven Life

(This blog is to record and share my insights and experiences from conducting the 40 day spiritual journey, from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren)

Day 1 of 40
Rick asks us to think about our purpose and he highlights 'It's not about me'.

I agree. When I look around me, in the city or in the countryside, or up in the starry night sky, I see nothing but abundant life in action everywhere. Amazing! I, and humanity are a part of that. And that's just what I can see. So I simply cannot believe that there is not some sort of creative intelligence, call it what you will, behind all of this, and/or in all this.

I think it is vain, and somewhat ignorant to put humanity at the top, and just focus on ourselves.
It certainly is not about us. It cannot be about me.

When I think about my highest purpose, it has to be about being and doing what this creative intelligence has designed for me, and my duty is to find that out and then do it. It's about 'finding my dharma'. Then I am naturally purpose driven.

More at:

Rick Warren - The Purpose Driven Life

I was watching a series of great video podcasts of keynote speakers at
and I came across one by Rick Warren. He was talking about his book 'The Purpose Driven Life' which was selling at the rate of 1 million copies a month and is 'The bestselling nonfiction hardback book in history'. I bought the book from and it arrived this weekend.

I have had a first quick read. In essence, I believe he is saying, and reminding us, that we should be God driven with Gods plan and Gods specific purpose and 'it's not about me', which is the problem in todays society. Then we will be able to answer questions like 'What on earth am I here for?'

In the book, is a guide to a 40 day spiritual journey.

I decided to try this, and I shall blog my experiences and insights over the 40 day journey, starting tomorrow.

I would strongly recommend this book, and if you have it, I hope some of you may be interested in following this and, perhaps, even joining in with me, and sharing your insights and experiences As always, I would be very grateful for any feedback

Ron Young

More at:

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Only Love

Yesterday, I read again a fantastic book that I bought over 20 years ago.

'Only Love' by Sri Daya Mata who is President and Spiritual Head for the Self Realization Fellowship at

'Only Love' was first published in 1976, and includes many quotes from the
Founder, Paramahansa Yogananda. Yet all of the words still resonate deeply

For me, that is a true sign of timeless, changeless wisdom.

It reminds me again, of the richness of the spiritual heritage of India,
of the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita and how it's messages are now
successfully spread all over the world.

More at:

Friday, March 02, 2007

Wisdom is 'God in action'

This morning, after further contemplation on wisdom, I realised:

If wisdom is complete Truth, and God is complete Truth, then
wisdom in action is God in action

Look for, and bless wisdom :-)

More at:

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wisdom is timeless, unchangeable and simple

What's the simple difference between Knowledge and Wisdom?

Knowledge changes over time. Therefore it's an incomplete perception,
and can appear complex.

Wisdom is unchangeable. Therefore it is a complete truth,
and remains timeless, in its obvious simplicity!

Ron Young

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