Monday, March 19, 2007

Who am I? - I am

Before I share my insights from Day 2 of the 40 day spiritual journey, I thought I would share my insights on answers to the key questions in life

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What's my meaning and purpose?
What's the meaning and purpose of the Universe?

These are questions asked by the logical mind (left hemisphere of the brain).
The left hemisphere will logically analyse and ask 'what, who, where, when, how, why'.

The right hemisphere of the brain cannot analyse and break things into parts, but it is diametrically opposed to the left hemisphere, and therefore synthesizes into 'wholes'.
It cannot deal with 'what, who, where, when, how, why'

As it is opposite, its good to see how it would deal with the same questions, in opposition, back to front, reversed, and eliminating the questioning words:

Who am I? becomes 'I am' (or Aum or OM or Amen)
Why am I here? becomes 'Here I am'
What's my meaning and purpose? become 'My purpose is to understand my meaning'
What's the meaning and purpose of the Universe? become 'The Universe is purpose and meaning)

Once we understand that the Universe is purpose and meaning, and that our purpose is to understand our purpose and meaning, we realise that, here we will understand what we are, and that is that we are part of the same Universal purpose and meaning.

It's no good just saying to you 'Does that make sense?', as that is a logical 'sensible' thing to say, and we need to add to it the, perhaps, illogical and senseless aspect too - to get to the Truth.

Are you with me?

If you are interested in more of this, you can now download my free e-book 'Christopher and the Knowledger' which talks about answers to the meaning of life at:

Day 2 Spiritual Journey - The Purpose Driven Life

(This last part of the daily blog posting is to record and share my insights and experiences from conducting the 40 day spiritual journey, from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, as I do it)

Day 2 of 40

Rick tells us that we are not an accident. I totally agree for the reasons above.

"Long before you were conceived by your parents, conceived in the mind of God"

I love this because it also reminds me of an ancient Zen Masters saying that I wrote about in one of my earlier blogs last year 'Enlightenment is seeing your face before your parents were born'

In Christopher and the Knowledger we also talk about how every human being is part of a perfect Universal plan, so I like the poem by Russell Kelfer, quoted in the book, that starts with:

"You are who you are for a reason
You're part of an intricate plan"

So the truth is the truth, however it manifest itself. We are so lucky to simply enjoy the magic of the truth, as it appears from everybody, all the time. It can manifest in a great spiritual book, poem, sutra, song or even a tv soap episode or a Google Adserve!

So, yes, I agree, we are naturally purpose driven, and we must find our purpose and express ourselves for the benefit of ourselves and all others. We cannot be accidents.

When we are in the flow - we will know.

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