Thursday, March 22, 2007

Everything is God

Everything is God

Day 7 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven
Life- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

My insights from Day 7:

Its refreshing to read a Christian pastor who talks about everything
around you, everything in nature, all beings, from tiny forms of life
to the universe, aa reflecting God in some way.

The notion of God is One and All and All is God, is monistic, and the
notion of God is a superbeing being out there, and we are down here
is dualistic.

I like the monistic view of God or Creative Intelligence, or whatever
term we use, being in everyone and everything, for all to see with
enlightened (Christ like) eyes.

I love the simple eastern gesture of 'Namaste', when monks and lay
people bring the palms of their hands together, in a prayer position,
at the heart level, and gently bow to all. It can mean

'I salute the Divinity in you'.

Such a great, respectful and humble gesture and loving words.
Worship the God within all.

As I learned one day, everyday I see God all around me, in everyone
and everything I see, hear, feel, touch, taste, smell, think and do.

Rick talks about Gods glory and quotes Jesus telling the Father

"I brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you told
me to do"

What do you live for? Your self? Others?
or yourself and others, all within Your Self?

Do we love to live or live to love?

Surely, I agree, whatever religious words we care to use, we can see
this glory all around us, especially when we are conscious of it, in all
our activities and experiences.

So I strongly agree with Gods five purposes in your life, as described
in the book.

The five purposes, in my words, which work best for me are:

Firstly, we can enjoy, even be in awe of, the loving creative intelligence
within and without, and in all creation.

Secondly, we can share this with others.

Thirdly, we can strive to become enlightened (or Christ like) ourselves

Fourthly, we can serve others by being at, and giving our best to others

Fifthly, we can teach others, and help them on their path to the same state.

This all reminds me of what I believe true healing to be.

To my mind these principles also describe a healer. A healer, and healers,
are people who temporarily have and see more (enlightened),

unconditionally and lovingly serving others by seeing it in others who
cannot see it in themselves,

and making others aware of this understanding.

I know I am being healed when others see in me what I have forgotten
or I have temporarily hidden from myself.

I hope I may heal others when I see the divinity within them, that
they may not yet see themselves.

So I bow my head to all

Namaste !

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