Once again, for the third time, I am reading Fritjof Capra's
excellent book
'The Web of Life - a new synthesis of mind and matter'
He describes the evolution of our thinking to 'deep ecology'
and 'systems thinking' where the whole is greater than the
sum of the parts, and this is due, not just to a summation
of the parts, but the 'emergence of properties, relations and
interconnections' that occur in the organisms and communities
of organisms as they develop and evolve.
Not a heirarchical Universe, but 'networks within networks'.
And Quantum theory also teaches us that, at the sub-atomic
level, all become waves of energy.
That's why we will never fully understand living ecosystems
and living beings by just analysing the component parts.
Again, extraordinary thinkers of this modern age are saying
what the Ancient sages said in the East, several thousand years
Is it that the Ancient Sages intuited this, and through deep
meditation. And now the modern rational mind is catching up?
But the Indian Sages were very rational too ?
But, of course, the most important thing is not how this
extraordinary knowledge came about, and by whom,
but what it is actually teaching us about our interconnectedness.
Surely, when the Oneness of All is better understood, by many
more, there will be a major paradigm shift, and a whole new set
of global ethics will appear?
Ron Young
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