Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Purpose Driven Life

(This blog is to record and share my insights and experiences from conducting the 40 day spiritual journey, from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren)

Day 1 of 40
Rick asks us to think about our purpose and he highlights 'It's not about me'.

I agree. When I look around me, in the city or in the countryside, or up in the starry night sky, I see nothing but abundant life in action everywhere. Amazing! I, and humanity are a part of that. And that's just what I can see. So I simply cannot believe that there is not some sort of creative intelligence, call it what you will, behind all of this, and/or in all this.

I think it is vain, and somewhat ignorant to put humanity at the top, and just focus on ourselves.
It certainly is not about us. It cannot be about me.

When I think about my highest purpose, it has to be about being and doing what this creative intelligence has designed for me, and my duty is to find that out and then do it. It's about 'finding my dharma'. Then I am naturally purpose driven.

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