Day 10 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose
Driven Life- what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren
My insights from Day 10:
Keeping within his first of 5 Purposes,
Purpose 1 'You were planned for Gods pleasure'
Today Rick talks about surrender as the heart of worship
- not out of fear or duty, but to surrender in love.
It's interesting that, around the world, we use terms for surrender,
like consecration, making Jesus your Lord, taking up your cross,
dying to self, yeilding to the spirit
It's also frightening when Rick says that "we aren't God and never
will be. We are humans. It is when we try to be God that we end up
most like Satan, who desired the same thing"
Thats scary, and made me think!
You see I like the Buddhist notion of seeking Enlightenment, even
though Buddhists do not believe in a Creator God.
I like The Hindu notion of Yoga (yoke) or joining or Communion with
God (Krishna).
I like the notion of being a human that, in communion with the higher
Self, God, Creative Intelligence, in other words, being aligned to the
Higher Force, enables us to 'co-create', in partnership with the
higher Self.
Thats not being God, but wanting to 'be in God', or awakening to the
fact that that is what we really are, Knowing Thyself, being Enlightened.
Our only mistake is to believe we are seperated.
But another quote from Rick, that I first came across in 'A Course in
Miracles' is "love casts out all fear". That's very powerful to me.
Rick tells us that surrender is not passive resignation, or being lazy,
or dropping out, or accepting the status quo. But that it can also be
very tough to surrender.
I know that sometimes I feel I have to do what is right, as opposed to
what I want to do, and give me pleasure. I guess this could be the same.
We surrender to what we believe is right, regardless of the consequences,
- even Crucifixion!
History shows how humans will die for a principle, a flag, a belief.
The ultimate test is when life is at stake.
So, in day 10 he tells us that surrender is not an option in life,
but the only way to live.
Where am I with this?
I feel, and I am told, I am a man of principle - which I like.
I hope I do not have too much pride though. I prefer humility.
It's really tough being a family man, who has had great
responsibilities throughout life with a loving family.
It's difficule to just 'go with the flow' which I know is right,
with no regard to what that might mean.
Jesus said, follow me!
I guess I have surrendered, but get into difficulty whenever
it causes a conflict with worldly life.
I remember beight taught that in India, men would leave the
wife and family and possessions, at age 60, to become wandering
Sunyasins, to lead a completely spiritual life in the latter phase
of life. How courageous and how painful and how tough.
Rick says, you surrender in everything you think and do. In all
daily activities. All are an expression of working for God. Same task
and different attitude, thats all.
I buy that. The Zen Masters taught the same
Before Enlightenment - chopping wood, carrying water
After Enlightenment - chopping wood, carrying water.
So, yes, I surrender.
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