Thursday, March 22, 2007

My mantra and the Five Purposes in Life

In the late 1990's, whilst walking in the countryside near my home,
approaching the village, I suddenly started to recite within, and then

Be in God
Be you Now
Go Be Do

I seemed strange at first, ever so 'wacky' and I didn't take it too
seriously. However, something seemed right and significant at that time.

Gradually, I started to recite this more often, in my mind and
vocally, especially whilst walking, contemplating and driving my car.

Eventually, at some stages, especially in meditations, I was positively
obsessed by it.

Later, over the years, it came and it went, and sometimes it flamed up,
and sometimes it died down. Gradually, it started to settle into
a sort of backdrop into whatever I was thinking and doing.

Like a sort of computer operating system!

Over the years, this mantra has explained to me so much. It seems to
lock in to, and then explain to me, key timeless principles.

When I thought about the Five Purpose in Life, as defined by Rick Warren
in his book 'The Purpose Driven Life' I intuited:

Purpose 1: Worship God
Purpose 2: Bring Gods glory by worshiping other believers

Both relate to my mantra for One and All 'Be in God'

Purpose 3: Bring Gods glory by becoming like Christ

Relates to my mantra 'Be You Now'

Purpose 4: Bring Gods glory by serving others with our gifts
Purpose 5: Bring God glory by telling others about him

Relates to my mantra 'Go Be Do'

Am I crazy for writing this? Probably

Do I worry what others may think of this? Not any more

Why am I doing this? I can't stop myself.

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