Monday, March 19, 2007

What is that force that is driving our lives? Is it purpose?

Day 3 of the 40 day spiritual journey from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life - what on earth am I here for?' by Rick Warren

What is that force that is driving our lives? My insights from Day 3 are:

To me, a sense of purpose, especially a sense of shared purpose, is one of the key
drivers in life. I wish I could have been in the team at NASA when they first put man on the moon.

People tell me that if they have experienced being in a truly synergistic and high
performing team, that they spend the rest of their lives trying to find another one!
Perhaps this is a clue to our true identity that we are, in reality, One and all.

To me, a sense of Oneness with all, perhaps a connection at a higher level, gives us
a sense of ultimately shared purpose! And, most importantly, makes us naturally
want to serve each other. Just imagine, if everybody felt this Oneness, how could
there then be any killing, brutality or even crime!

A great quote from the book is "You weren't put on earth to be remembered.
You were put here to prepare for eternity"

What a paradigm shift that is! Instead of looking at our lives as the 'be all and end all'
we can consider our earthly lives as a much smaller part of, perhaps, everlasting life.

Again I am reminded that our greatest limitation is the limiting beliefs we impose on

If you change the beliefs - you immediately change the performance!

Finally, from day 3, I would say that I agree with Rick when he talks about
living on purpose leading to peace. I know that I am far more peaceful and
content when I feel connected to the whole and when I think and feel that
it is my purpose to help others who may not yet see their true reality.

I always enjoy lecturing young and enthusiastic MBA students, who like to
challenge some of our commonly held beliefs in life, especially when we all
get an 'aha' together.

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